Graduate Program in Applied Mathematics

The graduate program in Applied Mathematics of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo (IME-USP) comprises a master program and a doctoral program, since it was established in 1970. It has assigned more than 200 titles of Master and formed more than a hundred doctors in Applied Mathematics. There are about 25 permanent researchers in the program, besides several collaborators. The permanent academic staff is highly qualified, with a broad education in first rank Brazilian Institutions and from abroad (USP, Unicamp, IMPA, UFMG, Cornell, CUNY, NYU, Rutgers, Georgia Tech, Brown, Bremen, Berlin, Bonn, Birmingham, Nancy I, Roskilde). The principal research subjects of the faculty are: Partial and Ordinary Differential Equations (Dynamical Systems, Ergodic theory, PDEs and Complex analysis), Mathematical Physics and Mechanics (Field theory, Control theory, Statistical Mechanics), Computational Mathematics (Computational fluid mechanics, Graphical and Scientific Computing, Optimization) and Modeling and Applications (Bio-mathematics, Epidemiology, Evolution and Social Systems, Statistics).

The main objective of the program is to form researchers, lecturers and professionals in the area of Mathematics and Applications, in both levels of master and doctor degrees. Qualified students can pursue a direct doctoral program (without a previous master degree) and also have the opportunity to participate in a student exchange program abroad (one to two years), in a so-called “sandwich program”.

The majority of the students receive scholarships from a Brazilian agency like CAPES or CNPq. The students have an excellent research atmosphere in the Mathematical Institute of USP, with good installations, a very nice library and computational facilities. The program regularly hosts posgraduate students from Brazil and abroad, besides a large number of short-term visiting researchers. Seminars and research talks are frequent, besides the weekly Colloquium of the Applied Mathematics department. The students also have the opportunity to attend classes from the other graduate programs of the Mathematical Institute (in Computer Science, Statistics and Pure Mathematics) and other Institutes of the University. They will have the opportunity to fully experience the academic life in the University of São Paulo, which is located in a nice Campus and offers very good sport facilities, student restaurants, libraries, cinema and a hospital. The University has more than 50000 undergraduate students in a lively environment.
