
Science – The Sharper Image: The Quest for Knowledge and the Recursive Production of Objective Realities. XIX EBL, J.Pessoa , 6-10/05/2019;   XI Principia, Florianopolis, 19-22/08/19. 

How to Randomize If You Must: Differences in Legal Sortition Processes.  MaxEnt,  Muenchen, 01-05/07/2019. 

Haphazard Intentional Allocation: Case Study in Air Quality Monitoring.  MaxEnt,  Muenchen, 01-05/07/2019.  

Discurso de Julio Michael Stern por Ocasiao da Posse da Cadeira de no 18 da Academia Brasileira de Filosofia (2019). ABF, Rio de Janeiro, 18/06/2019.   

Renouncing the Bride: Karl Pearson on Causes and Inverse Probabilities Inverted Spinozism, Idealism & Goodness-of-Fit.  2nd WCLR, Warsaw, 18-22/07/2017;  X Principia, Florianopolis,  14-17/08/2017. 

Haphazard Intentional Allocation and Rerandomization to Improve Covariate Balance in Experiments. 36th MaxEnt, Ghent, 10-15/07/2016

De Roletas a Tokens, Invariantes e Leis: Randomizacao vs. Intencionalidade; Nao-Tendenciosidade vs. Eficiencia. STF, Brasilia, 08-10/08/2016. 

Logical Hexagons of Statistical Modalities: The Problem of Induction – Solved! +Evolution of Science and its Logic.  5th WCSO, Rapa-Nui, 11-15/11/2016;  XVIII EBL, Pirenopolis, 08-12/05/2017.

Continuous versions of Haack’s puzzles: Equilibrium- steady- eigen-states, ontologies, and their essential properties: Precision, stability, (de)composition.  XVII EBL, Petropolis, 07-11/04/2014;  IX Principia, Florianopolis, 17-20/08/2015.    

Jacob’s Ladder and the Logic of Magic, Metaphor and Metaphysics Narratives of the Unconscious, the Self, and the Assembly. 1st  WCLR, Joao Pessoa, 01-05/04/2015.   

Design of Clinical Trials: A Mixed Intentional-Randomized Sampling Approach.  Simposio CeMEAI, S.Jose do Rio Preto, 2015. 

Cognitive-Constructivism, Quine, Dogmas of Empiricism, and Muenchhausen’s Trilemma.  12th EBEB , Atibaia, 10-14/03/2014; 34th MaxEnt , Amboise, September 21-26/09/2014. 

Statistics and Innovation – Technological and Theoretical.  21th SINAPE, Natal, 20-25/07/2014.

Cognitive-Constructivism, Art & Ontology: Living Forms (Roses) of the Active Logos. Forum-MuBE,  Sao Paulo, June 02/06/2014.  

Jacob’s Ladder and Scientific Ontologies: The Logic of Scientific Discovery or Traveling Around the Moebius Band, by Aesthetics, Ethics and Metaphysics. 4th UniLog, Rio de Janeiro, 03-07/03/2013; ISPC-SS, Montevideo,  31/7-3/8/2013.   

Sequential Intentional Sampling made Haphazard by Stochastic Perturbations. 33rd MaxEnt, Canberra, 15-20/12/2013. 

Intentional Sampling by Goal Optimization with Decoupling by Stochastic Perturbation; Why (not) to Randomize?   XI EBEB, Amparo, 18-22/03/2012.

TORC3 – Token-Ring Clearing Heuristic for Currency Circulation.  5th LNCC Meeting on Computational Modeling,  Petropolis, 16-19/07/2012. 

Bayesian Epistemic Values: Focus on Surprise, Measure Probability Probability-Possibility Transformations in Statistics. 3rd COBAL, Pucon, 23-27/10/2011.

Constructive Verification, Empirical Induction, and Falibilist Deduction: A Threefold Contrast Interpretation of Bayesian e-values.  XVI EBL, Petropolis, 09-13/05/2011. 

The Rules of Logic Composition for Bayesian Epistemic e-Values.  7th CMDA, Maresias,  08-13/08/2010.  

Encontros com Mestres Notaveis. Aula de Erudicao do Concurso para Prof. Titular do MAP-IME-USP,  Sao Paulo, 29/01/2010. 

Cognitive Constructivism and the Epistemic Signicance of Sharp Statistical Hypotheses .  28th MaxEnt, Boraceia,  06-11/07/2008. 

Significance Tests, Belief Calculi, and Burden of Proof in Legal and Scientific Discourse.  4th LAPTEC, Marilia, 10-13/10/2003.  

The FBST for Model Selection in Mixture of Multivariate Normals. 1999.