During the event, lectures, workshops and poster sessions will be held in the field of Geometric Analysis.

Scientists from 18 universities in eight different countries participated. The Workshop Bridging Borders: International Geometric Analysis will be held at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo (IME-USP) from August 19 to 23. The goal is to foster academic connections, celebrate and stimulate new collaborations in the field of Geometric Analysis, and bring together leading researchers with strong ties to the city of São Paulo.
Throughout the week there will be five talks per day, a mini-course and a poster session on Friday 23. Furthermore, organizers are planning a special session to encourage exchange between experienced researchers and young mathematicians.
This edition has a special meaning as it celebrates the 60th birthday of Prof. Paolo Piccione, a member of the Mathematics Department of IME-USP, whose scientific, administrative and political contributions have been fundamental to the development of mathematics in São Paulo and Brazil.
The event is open to the public and all activities will take place in the Antonio Gilioli Auditorium, Block A of the IME-USP, located at Rua do Matão, number 1010 – Cidade Universitária. More information, such as details of the schedule and registration, can also be found on the page.

With a degree in Mathematics from Università Degli Studi Di Roma La Sapienza (Italy, 1987) and a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Pennsylvania State University (USA, 1994), Professor Dr. Paolo Piccione has already served 3 terms as President of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, from 2017 to 2023. He is currently a full professor at USP, a full member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (since May 2012), a member of the Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union (IMU), in his second term, and a member of FAPESP’s Mathematics and Statistics Coordination.
The professor has served as a member of the CA-Mathematics CNPq, as President of the Research Commission of IME-USP, as a member of the Research Council of USP, as a member of CERT-USP (Special Commission on Work Regimes), and as a member of the Sectorial Evaluation Commission (CAS) Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo. His mathematical specialty is differential geometry, working mainly on Calculus of variations and geometric variational problems, bifurcation theory, Riemannian and Global Lorentzian geometry, Morse theory, simplified geometry and Hamiltonian systems.
Since March 2017, he has been a CNPq researcher in the 1A productivity grant category, and in 2018 he was inducted into the National Order of Scientific Merit in the Commander class, Mathematical Sciences.
By: Claudio Gorodski, Keti Tenenblat, Stefano Nardulli, Vieri Benci | Working Committee
Edited and transcribed by: Nathalie Rodrigues | Institutional Support Service