The Graduate Program in Statistics of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of São Paulo (IME- USP) consists of an academic Master and a Doctorate, both founded in 1970. In the latest evaluation done by CAPES, triennium 2010-2012, the program received the maximum score, on a scale 1-7. During almost 40 years of activities, our graduate program has successfully trained more than 300 masters and 200 doctors.
The faculty is composed of researchers in various areas of probability and statistics including survival analysis, asymptotic methods, stochastic modeling in actuarial, econometrics and finance,bioinformatics, Bayesian inference, inference in stochastic processes, interacting particle systems, regression models and its applications, generalized linear models, probability theory and stochastic processes, time series and reliability theory. We keep an intense schedule of courses, conferences and seminars organized by the research groups of the Department of Statistics.
We receive financial support from research agencies (Capes, CNPq and Fapesp) helping us to offer, in regular basis, scholarships and travel financial support to students with full dedication to their studies and excellent performance.