
Other Publications

  • Feofiloff, P; De Figueiredo, C.M.H.; Wakabayashi, Y. Preface, Special issue: 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorics GRACO 2005, editors of Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 156, Issue 7 (2008), page 985.

  • Choffrut, Christian and Wakabayashi, Yoshiko, Preface [Imre Simon, the tropical computer scientist]. Editors of the special volume: Theor. Inform. Appl. 39 (2005), no. 1, i--vii.

  • Proceedings of GRACO2005. Papers from the 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms, and Combinatorics held in Angra dos Reis, April 27--29, 2005. Edited by Paulo Feofiloff, Celina M. H. de Figueiredo and Yoshiko Wakabayashi. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 19. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 2005. front matter+416 pp. (electronic).

  • Y. Kohayakawa, F.K. Miyazawa, P. Raghavan and Y. Wakabayashi. Multidimensional Cube Packing, Szwarcfiter, Jayme (ed.), Proceedings of the Brazilian symposium on graphs, algorithms and combinatorics, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, March 17-19, 2001. Extended abstracts. Amsterdam: Elsevier, Electron. Notes in Discrete Mathematics 7, no pag., electronic only (2001).

  • G.F. Cintra and Y. Wakabayashi, Um Algoritmo Híbrido para o Problema de Corte Unidimensional, Anais do XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 1998, 19pp.[ps.gz | pdf.gz]

  • F.K. Miyazawa and Y. Wakabayashi, Parametric on-line packing, XXX SOBRAPO-Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, Curitiba, 1998. Anais da III Oficina de Problemas de Corte e Empacotamento, 109-121 [ps.gz]

  • F.K. Miyazawa and Y. Wakabayashi. Approximation algorithms for packing small items. In XX Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional , 1997.

  • Y. Wakabayashi, Contribuições a Teoria dos Grafos e Otimização Combinatória. Monografia apresentada no concurso de livre-docência - USP, 1995.

  • O. Lee and Y. Wakakabayashi, Caminhos Mínimos em Grafos Mistos, Anais do XVIII Congresso de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, 1995, 329-333.

  • Y. Wakabayashi, Aggregation of Binary Relations: Algorithmic and Polyhedral Investigations, Thesis, Universität Augsburg, Germany, 1986.

  • M.A.C.M. Gurgel and Y. Wakabayashi, A Result on Hamilton-connected Graphs, Tech. Report 83309-OR, Institut für Operations Research, Universität Bonn, 1983.

  • Y. Wakabayashi, Sobre Grafos Hamiltonianos, dissertação de mestrado, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo. 1977.

Yoshiko Wakabayashi
May 2009