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Métodos Numéricos e Dinâmica de Fluidos Geofísicos Computacional  

  • Santos, Peixoto, 2024: Analysis of Finite-Volume Transport Schemes on Cubed-Sphere Grids and an Accurate Scheme for Divergent Winds. (In review at J. Comp, Phys.). SSRN
  • Steinstraesser, Peixoto, Schreiber, 2024: A second-order semi-Lagrangian exponential scheme with application to the shallow-water equations on the rotating sphere (In review at SIAM Sci. Comp.). ARXIV
  • Ravelo, Peixoto, Schreiber, 2024: High-order exponential integration for seismic wave modeling (In review at Computational Geosciences). ARXIV
  • Raphaldini, Raupp, Peixoto, Mayta, Silva-Dias, 2024: Data-driven modeling of equatorial atmospheric waves: the role of moisture and nonlinearity on global-scale instabilities and propagation speeds (Chaos). DOI
  • Lapolli, Peixoto, Korn, 2023. Accuracy and stability analysis of horizontal discretizations used in unstructured grid ocean models (Ocean Modeling). PDF, ARXIV, DOI
  • Ravelo, Peixoto, Schreiber, 2023: An explicit exponential time integrator based on Faber polynomials and its application to seismic wave modelling (J. Sci. Comput.). ARXIV, DOI
  • Steinstraesser, Peixoto, Schreiber, 2023: Parallel-in-time integration of the shallow water equations on the rotating sphere using Parareal and MGRIT (J. Comp. Physics). ARXIV, DOI
  • Poveda, Peixoto, 2023: On pointwise error estimates for Voronoï-based finite volume methods for the Poisson equation on the sphere ( Advances in Computational Mathematics). ARXIV, DOI
  • Lima, Peixoto, 2023. A consistent mass-conserving C-staggered method for shallow water equations on global reduced grids (J. Comp. Physics ). ARXIV, DOI
  • Dolci, Silva, Peixoto, Volpi, 2022. Effectiveness and computational efficiency of absorbing boundary conditions for full-waveform inversion. (Geoscientific Model Development). Open Access
  • Raphaldini, Peixoto, Raupp, Teruya, Bustamante, 2022. Precession resonance of Rossby wave triads and the generation of low frequency atmospheric oscillations (Physics of Fluids). ARXIV, DOI
  • Santos, Peixoto, 2021: Topography based local spherical Voronoi grid refinement on classical and moist shallow-water finite volume models (Geoscientific Model Development). Open Access
  • Yonggang Yu; Ning Wang; Jacques Middlecoff; Pedro Peixoto; Mark Govett, 2020: Comparing Numerical Accuracy of Icosahedral A-grid and C-grid Schemes in Solving the Shallow-Water Model (Monthly Weather Review) – PDF, DOI
  • Peixoto, Schreiber, 2019: Semi-Lagrangian Exponential Integration with application to the rotating shallow water equations (SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing) – PDFDOI
  • Peixoto, Thuburn and Bell, 2018: Numerical instabilities of spherical shallow water models considering small equivalent depths ( Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society) – PDF, DOI
  • Schmitt, Schreiber, Peixoto and Schäfer, 2018: A numerical study of a semi-Lagrangian Parareal method applied to the Burgers’ equation (Computing and Visualization in Science) – PDF, DOI
  • Schreiber, Peixoto, Haut and Wingate, 2017: Beyond spatial scalability limitations with a massively parallel method for linear oscillatory problems (International Journal of High Performance Computing ) – PDF, DOI
  • Bell, Peixoto, Thuburn, 2017: Numerical instabilities of vector invariant momentum equations on rectangular C-grids (Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc.) – PDF, DOI
  • Peixoto, 2016: Accuracy analysis of mimetic finite volume operators on geodesic grids and a consistent alternative (Journal of Computational Physics) – PDF, DOI
  • Peixoto, PS and Barros, SRM, 2014 : On vector field reconstructions for semi-Lagrangian transport methods on geodesic staggered grids (Journal of Computational Physics) – PDF, DOI
  • Peixoto, PS and Barros, SRM, 2013 : Analysis of grid imprinting on geodesic spherical icosahedral grids (Journal of Computational Physics) –  INI, PDF, DOI
  • Barros, SRM and Peixoto, PS, 2011: Computational aspects of harmonic wavelet Galerkin methods and an application to a precipitation front propagation model (Computers & Mathematics with Applications) – PDF, DOI

Matemática Aplicada: Bioestatística, Epidemiologia, Sísmica e outros

  • Policarpo et al (2023). Scale-free dynamics of Covid-19 in a Brazilian city (Applied Mathematical Modelling – DOI )
  • Moura, Costa-da-Silva, Peixoto, Miranda, Cardoso (2023). Vitellogenin genes are transcribed in Culex quinquefasciatus ovary (Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz) – DOI
  • Hill et al (2023). Climate and land-use shape the spread of zoonotic yellow fever virus (Medarxiv)
  • Yücel, Pereira, Peixoto, Camargo (2023). Impact of Network Centrality and Income on Slowing Infection Spread after Outbreaks (Applied Network Science – ARXIV, DOI)
  • Nonato, Peixoto, Pereira, Sagastizábal, Silva (2022). Robot Dance: a mathematical optimization platform for intervention against COVID-19 in a complex network (EURO Journal on Computational Optimization – pre-print, DOI) – Won The Marguerite Frank Award for the best EJCO paper 2022 (PRIZE)
  • Sibemberg, Allem, Hoppen, Peixoto. Risk classification in complex networks: the case of COVID-19 in Rio Grande do Sul (Ciência & Natura). DOI
  • Ferreira et al (2021). A snapshot of a pandemic: the interplay between social isolation and COVID-19 dynamics in Brazil (Cell Patterns – Medrxiv, DOI)
  • Nicolelis, Raimundo, Peixoto, Andreazzi (2021). The impact of super-spreader cities, highways, and intensive care availability in the early stages of the COVID-19 epidemic in Brazil (Scientific Reports – Nature Portfolio). DOI
  • Li et al (2021). Higher risk of death from COVID-19 in low-income and non-White populations of São Paulo, Brazil (BMJ Global Health). DOI
  • Faria et al (2021). Genomics and epidemiology of the P.1 SARS-CoV-2 lineage in Manaus, Brazil (Science). DOI
  • Sabino et al (2021). Resurgence of COVID-19 in Manaus, Brazil, despite high seroprevalence (Lancet). DOI
  • Buss et al (2020). Three-quarters attack rate of SARS-CoV-2 in the Brazilian Amazon during a largely unmitigated epidemic (Science). DOI
  • Dias F , Assumpção M., Peixoto P., Bianchi M., Collaço B., Calhau J., (2020): Using Seismic Noise Levels to Monitor Social Isolation: An Example from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Geophysical Research Letters) DOI
  • Candido et al. (2020). Evolution and epidemic spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil (Science) DOI
  • Peixoto, PS, Marcondes, D., Peixoto, C and Oliva, S. 2020: Modeling future spread of infections via mobile geolocation data and population dynamics. An application to COVID-19 in Brazil. (PLOS ONE) MEDRXIV   DOI
  • Moura-da-Silva et al. 2020: The relationship between clinics and the venom of the causative Amazon pit viper (Bothrops atrox) (PLoS Negl Trop Dis.) DOI
  • Leite M et al, 2014:The use of mesenchymal stem cells in bladder augmentation (Pediatric Surgery International (Print)) – DOI
  • Sousa LF et al, 2013: Comparison of phylogeny, venom composition and neutralization by antivenom in diverse species of bothrops complex (PLoS Negl Trop Dis.) – PDF, DOI
  • Perciani CT, Peixoto PS, Dias WO, Kubrusly FS, Tanizaki MM, 2007 :  Improved method to calculate the antibody avidity index (JClin Lab Anal) – DOI

Teses e Dissertações

  • PhD Thesis – Applied Mathematics, USP, 2013 : Analysis of discretizations and interpolations on icosahedral grids and applications to semi-Lagrangian transport models (in portuguese only) – PDF
  • Master Thesis – Applied Mathematics, USP, 2009 : Numerical resolution of partial differential equations using harmonic wavelets  (in portuguese only) – PDF
  • Measure, Analysis, Prediction and Modeling of the Sea Level Post Graduation Specialization Course, USP, 2007 (Dissertation) :  Jason-1: Lendo os dados de altimetria por satélite para o nível do mar(in portuguese only) – PDF
  • Bachelor Degree in Applied and Computational Mathematics, USP, 2006 (Monograph):  O Uso de Modelos Econométricos em Empresas (in portuguese only) – PDF