Métodos Numéricos e Dinâmica de Fluidos Geofísicos Computacional
Camargo, Peixoto, Silva, 2024: On Godunov-type finite volume methods for seismic wave propagation. (In review at Mathematical Geosciences). ARXIV
Santos, Peixoto, 2024: Analysis of Finite-Volume Transport Schemes on Cubed-Sphere Grids and an Accurate Scheme for Divergent Winds. (In review at J. Comp, Phys.). SSRN
Steinstraesser, Peixoto, Schreiber, 2024: A second-order semi-Lagrangian exponential scheme with application to the shallow-water equations on the rotating sphere (In review at SIAM Sci. Comp.). ARXIV
Ravelo, Peixoto, Schreiber, 2024: High-order exponential integration for seismic wave modeling (Computational Geosciences). ARXIV, DOI
Raphaldini, Raupp, Peixoto, Mayta, Silva-Dias, 2024: Data-driven modeling of equatorial atmospheric waves: the role of moisture and nonlinearity on global-scale instabilities and propagation speeds (Chaos). DOI
Lapolli, Peixoto, Korn, 2023. Accuracy and stability analysis of horizontal discretizations used in unstructured grid ocean models (Ocean Modeling). PDF, ARXIV, DOI
Ravelo, Peixoto, Schreiber, 2023: An explicit exponential time integrator based on Faber polynomials and its application to seismic wave modelling (J. Sci. Comput.). ARXIV, DOI
Steinstraesser, Peixoto, Schreiber, 2023: Parallel-in-time integration of the shallow water equations on the rotating sphere using Parareal and MGRIT (J. Comp. Physics). ARXIV, DOI
Poveda, Peixoto, 2023: On pointwise error estimates for Voronoï-based finite volume methods for the Poisson equation on the sphere ( Advances in Computational Mathematics). ARXIV, DOI
Lima, Peixoto, 2023. A consistent mass-conserving C-staggered method for shallow water equations on global reduced grids (J. Comp. Physics ). ARXIV, DOI
Dolci, Silva, Peixoto, Volpi, 2022. Effectiveness and computational efficiency of absorbing boundary conditions for full-waveform inversion. (Geoscientific Model Development). Open Access
Raphaldini, Peixoto, Raupp, Teruya, Bustamante, 2022. Precession resonance of Rossby wave triads and the generation of low frequency atmospheric oscillations (Physics of Fluids). ARXIV, DOI
Santos, Peixoto, 2021: Topography based local spherical Voronoi grid refinement on classical and moist shallow-water finite volume models (Geoscientific Model Development). Open Access
Yonggang Yu; Ning Wang; Jacques Middlecoff; Pedro Peixoto; Mark Govett, 2020: Comparing Numerical Accuracy of Icosahedral A-grid and C-grid Schemes in Solving the Shallow-Water Model (Monthly Weather Review) – PDF, DOI
Peixoto, Schreiber, 2019: Semi-Lagrangian Exponential Integration with application to the rotating shallow water equations (SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing) – PDF, DOI
Peixoto, Thuburn and Bell, 2018: Numerical instabilities of spherical shallow water models considering small equivalent depths ( Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society) – PDF, DOI
Schmitt, Schreiber, Peixoto and Schäfer, 2018: A numerical study of a semi-Lagrangian Parareal method applied to the Burgers’ equation (Computing and Visualization in Science) – PDF, DOI
Schreiber, Peixoto, Haut and Wingate, 2017: Beyond spatial scalability limitations with a massively parallel method for linear oscillatory problems (International Journal of High Performance Computing ) – PDF, DOI
Bell, Peixoto, Thuburn, 2017: Numerical instabilities of vector invariant momentum equations on rectangular C-grids (Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc.) – PDF, DOI
Peixoto, 2016: Accuracy analysis of mimetic finite volume operators on geodesic grids and a consistent alternative (Journal of Computational Physics) – PDF, DOI
Peixoto, PS and Barros, SRM, 2014 : On vector field reconstructions for semi-Lagrangian transport methods on geodesic staggered grids (Journal of Computational Physics) – PDF, DOI
Peixoto, PS and Barros, SRM, 2013 : Analysis of grid imprinting on geodesic spherical icosahedral grids (Journal of Computational Physics) – INI, PDF, DOI
Barros, SRM and Peixoto, PS, 2011: Computational aspects of harmonic wavelet Galerkin methods and an application to a precipitation front propagation model (Computers & Mathematics with Applications) – PDF, DOI
Matemática Aplicada: Bioestatística, Epidemiologia, Sísmica e outros
Policarpo et al (2023). Scale-free dynamics of Covid-19 in a Brazilian city (Applied Mathematical Modelling – DOI )
Moura, Costa-da-Silva, Peixoto, Miranda, Cardoso (2023). Vitellogenin genes are transcribed in Culex quinquefasciatus ovary (Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz) – DOI
Hill et al (2023). Climate and land-use shape the spread of zoonotic yellow fever virus (Medarxiv)
Yücel, Pereira, Peixoto, Camargo (2023). Impact of Network Centrality and Income on Slowing Infection Spread after Outbreaks (Applied Network Science – ARXIV, DOI)
Nonato, Peixoto, Pereira, Sagastizábal, Silva (2022). Robot Dance: a mathematical optimization platform for intervention against COVID-19 in a complex network (EURO Journal on Computational Optimization – pre-print, DOI) – Won The Marguerite Frank Award for the best EJCO paper 2022 (PRIZE)
Sibemberg, Allem, Hoppen, Peixoto. Risk classification in complex networks: the case of COVID-19 in Rio Grande do Sul (Ciência & Natura). DOI
Ferreira et al (2021). A snapshot of a pandemic: the interplay between social isolation and COVID-19 dynamics in Brazil (Cell Patterns – Medrxiv, DOI)
Nicolelis, Raimundo, Peixoto, Andreazzi (2021). The impact of super-spreader cities, highways, and intensive care availability in the early stages of the COVID-19 epidemic in Brazil (Scientific Reports – Nature Portfolio). DOI
Li et al (2021). Higher risk of death from COVID-19 in low-income and non-White populations of São Paulo, Brazil (BMJ Global Health). DOI
Faria et al (2021). Genomics and epidemiology of the P.1 SARS-CoV-2 lineage in Manaus, Brazil (Science). DOI
Sabino et al (2021). Resurgence of COVID-19 in Manaus, Brazil, despite high seroprevalence (Lancet). DOI
Buss et al (2020). Three-quarters attack rate of SARS-CoV-2 in the Brazilian Amazon during a largely unmitigated epidemic (Science). DOI
Dias F , Assumpção M., Peixoto P., Bianchi M., Collaço B., Calhau J., (2020): Using Seismic Noise Levels to Monitor Social Isolation: An Example from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Geophysical Research Letters) DOI
Candido et al. (2020). Evolution and epidemic spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil (Science) DOI
Peixoto, PS, Marcondes, D., Peixoto, C and Oliva, S. 2020: Modeling future spread of infections via mobile geolocation data and population dynamics. An application to COVID-19 in Brazil. (PLOS ONE) MEDRXIVDOI
Moura-da-Silva et al. 2020: The relationship between clinics and the venom of the causative Amazon pit viper (Bothrops atrox) (PLoS Negl Trop Dis.) DOI
Leite M et al, 2014:The use of mesenchymal stem cells in bladder augmentation (Pediatric Surgery International (Print)) – DOI
Sousa LF et al, 2013: Comparison of phylogeny, venom composition and neutralization by antivenom in diverse species of bothrops complex (PLoS Negl Trop Dis.) – PDF, DOI
Perciani CT, Peixoto PS, Dias WO, Kubrusly FS, Tanizaki MM, 2007 : Improved method to calculate the antibody avidity index (JClin Lab Anal) – DOI
Teses e Dissertações
PhD Thesis – Applied Mathematics, USP, 2013 : Analysis of discretizations and interpolations on icosahedral grids and applications to semi-Lagrangian transport models (in portuguese only) – PDF
Master Thesis – Applied Mathematics, USP, 2009 : Numerical resolution of partial differential equations using harmonic wavelets (in portuguese only) – PDF
Measure, Analysis, Prediction and Modeling of the Sea Level Post Graduation Specialization Course, USP, 2007 (Dissertation) : Jason-1: Lendo os dados de altimetria por satélite para o nível do mar(in portuguese only) – PDF
Bachelor Degree in Applied and Computational Mathematics, USP, 2006 (Monograph): O Uso de Modelos Econométricos em Empresas (in portuguese only) – PDF