• Ready, set, Go! Sound and complete data-race detection in the context of message passing
    Daniel Schnetzer Fava, Martin Steffen 
  • The CLEARSY Safety Platform: 5 Years of Research, Development and Deployment
    Thierry Lecomte, David Deharbe, Paulin Fournier, Marcel Oliveira 
  • Formalizing the Dependency Pair Criterion for Innermost Termination
    Ariane Alves Almeida, Mauricio Ayala-Rincón 
  • Use Case Evolution Analysis based on Graph Transformation with NACs
    Leila Ribeiro, Lucio Mauro Duarte, Rodrigo Machado, Andrei Costa, Érika Fernandes Cota, Jonas Santos Bezerra 
  • Modelling and testing timed data-flow reactive systems in Coq from controlled natural-language requirements
    Gustavo Carvalho, Igor Meira 
  • A Domain-Specific Language for Verifying Software Requirement Constraints
    Marzina Vidal, Tiago Massoni, Franklin Ramalho 
  • A Polymorphic RPC Calculus
    Kwanghoon Choi, James Cheney, Simon Fowler, Sam Lindley 
  • A framework for verifying deadlock and nondeterminism in UML activity diagrams based on CSP
    Lucas Albertins de Lima, Amaury Tavares, Sidney Nogueira 
  • Analyzing Occupancy-Driven Thermal Dynamics in Smart Buildings using Model Checking
    Khaza Anuarul Hoque, Nathalie Cauchi, Alessandro Abate

For SBMF 2019, we will make a pre-proceedings overlay of SBMF 2019 on Arxiv. The revised manuscript is due on October 29, 2019. Also for the paper to be further considered for publication at SCP, at least one of the authors has to register for SBMF 2019 and present the paper at the conference.