CoGA manual

  1. Loading the dataset
  2. Setting the parameters and running the analysis
  3. Interpreting the results
  4. Further Analyses
  5. Running CoGA from the command-line interface
  6. References

1. Loading the dataset

To run CoGA, you must upload on the left sidebar files containing gene expression data, phenotype labels, and a collection of gene sets. Detailed information about the data formats are described below.

Gene expression data (*.txt)

The expression data is a tab delimited file that contains the gene expression levels of all the samples. The first line has the following format:

  Name[tab][sample 1 name][tab][sample 2 name][tab] ...

It is allowed to include a Description field, which will be ignored. In that case, the first line is:

  Name[tab]Description[sample 1 name][tab][sample 2 name][tab] ...

Each line contains the gene (or probe set) name, the gene description (optional), and a value for each sample.

You can create the gene expression input file with a spreadsheet software, and then save it as a tab delimited text file. The final file must have the *.txt extension.

The figure below illustrates an expression input file:

Annotation data (*.chip)

If your dataset is already collapsed to gene symbols (i.e., the row identifiers are the gene symbols, and each gene is represented by a single row), just select the "Keep the original expression data rows" option and skip to the next section. Otherwise, select the "Collapse dataset to gene symbols" option, and then choose a method to summarize the rows (probe sets) representing the same gene by a single representative. The methods for collapsing are the same used in the WGCNA package (Langfelder and Horvath, 2008), which we describe below:

If the "Connectivity based collapsing" option is "True", the collapsing procedure is:

If a gene has exactly two corresponding probe sets, then it chooses the row according to the selected collapsing method. If a gene has three or more corresponding probe sets, it computes the pairwise correlations among the rows that represent the same gene and then selects the highly correlated one.

For a detailed discussion about the collapsing methods described above, we refer to the Miller et al. (2011) paper.

After selecting a collapsing method, upload an annotation file that maps the microarray probe set IDs to gene symbols. We recommend to use the GSEA microarray annotation files, which are freely available at the Broad ftp site (

The annotation file has three columns separated by tabulations. The first line has the following format:

 Probe set ID[tab]Gene symbol[tab]Gene title

The figure below illustrates an annotation file:

Phenotype labels (*.cls)

The categorical class file identifies the phenotype class that each sample belongs to. It is a text file delimited by blank spaces. The file must contain tree lines and the *.cls extension.

The first line has the number of samples and classes (phenotypes), and the number one, in that order. The second line has the "#" symbol followed by the class names. The third and last line contains a class label for each sample. You can use any symbol for the labels (a number, text, or the same name you have specified on the previous line). The first label corresponds to the first class that appears on the second line; the second label corresponds to the second class; and so on.

Below, we show the cls file format:

  [number of samples][space][number of classes][space]1
  # [space][class 1 name][space][class 2 name]
  [sample 1 class][space][sample 2 class][space] ... [sample N class]

Consider that you want to analyze 65 samples from the class AII and 30 samples from the class ODII. If the first columns of the gene expression matrix correspond to the AII microarrays and the last ones to the ODII microarrays, then the cls input could be:

  95 2 1
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Here, "0" indicates de samples belonging to class AII, and "1" indicates the samples belonging to ODII.

Gene set database (*.gmt)

The gene set database file describes the groups of genes that will be analyzed. The columns are tab delimited. Each row corresponds to a gene set. The first column describes the gene set name, the second one contains a gene set description, and the following columns contain the genes that belong to the set. The file must have the *.gmt extension and is illustrated by the figure below:

Several gmt format gene set collections are freely available at the Molecular Signature Database (MSigDB) ( (Subramanian et al., 2005).

2. Setting the parameters and running the analysis

Before running CoGA, you must set the execution parameters available on the left sidebar. Below, we detail each differential network analysis parameter.

Classes (conditions) being compared

CoGA analyses compare only two phenotypes. If your dataset has more than two phenotypes, then you must select one pair of phenotypes from a list of all possible pairs.

The selected pair will be used by all CoGA analyses.

Gene sets size range

CoGA performs tests for each gene set of a collection of gene sets. To test only a subcollection of sets, you can filter the gene groups according to their sizes by setting the "Minimum gene set size" and "Maximum gene set size" parameters.

The minimum gene set size allowed is 2. However, we recommend to test groups with at least 20 genes.

Testing large gene sets can spend much time. In general, it is feasible to set 1000 or some hundreds of genes as the maximum gene set size. However this number may vary according to the user's machine specification.

Method for network inference

The network links are inferred according to a measure of association between the gene expression levels. CoGA provides three classical association measures:

The correlation coefficient or p-value obtained by one of the methods mentioned above are used to set an association degree for each link of the network. The following options are available to measure the association degrees:

Network type

You can choose between unweighted and weighted networks:

Method for gene networks comparison

CoGA compares the gene co-expression networks between two phenotypes for each gene set.

Below, we describe the methods available for comparing unweighted networks:

CoGA includes generalizations of some of the statistics described above to weighted undirected graphs. Let G be a weighted undirected graph. We define the weighted adjacency matrix of G to be the matrix W = (w)ij, such that wij is the weight of the edge that connects the vertices vi and vj. In this context, 0 ≤ wij ≤ 1 and G is a full graph.

Below, we describe the methods available for comparing weighted networks:

For the "Spectral distribution test", the "Spectral entropy test", and the "Degree distribution test" methods, you must select a criterion to define the bandwidth for the probability density function estimation. The available methods for computing the bandwidth are:

CoGA uses the R 'density' function from the base package for estimating the probability density function.

Permutation test settings

To compute a p-value for the differential network analysis, CoGA performs a permutation based test, which generates N random permutations of the sample labels.

The minimum possible p-value is 1N + 1. Therefore, the choice of N depends on the required significance level of the test. You can set the N parameter on the "Enter the number of label permutations" option.

To perform the same label permutations for all gene sets, you can set a seed to generate the random permutations on the "Enter a seed to generate random permutations" option.

Running the analysis

After loading the dataset and the execution parameters, click on the "Start analysis" button. A progress bar will be shown on the right top corner of the page:

The results and other execution messages are shown on the "Analysis results" section.

3. Interpreting the results

When the differential network analysis finishes, the results are shown on the "Analysis results" tab.

Results table

The results table has the following format:

You can save the results as a CSV or R data file:

Missing p-values

The differential network analyses may fail when empty graphs are inferred from the expression data. Missing p-values are likely to happen for unweighted small graphs.

If you are using the "Spectral entropy test", the "Spectral density test", or the "Degree distribution test", setting the bandwidth to Silverman's criteria will avoid the missing p-values.

If you are using the "Shortest path test", the analysis will always fail when the graph is empty. To avoid it, try filtering larger gene sets.

4. Further Analyses

After performing the differential network analysis, you can explore several gene set properties on the "Further analysis" tab.

Below, we explain the available tools for exploring the gene sets.

Gene set selection

To analyze a gene set, select it from the list of gene sets on the "Further analysis" tab. The following options are available for filtering the lists of gene sets:

After selecting a gene set, choose a tab on the "Further analysis" section for analyzing the selected set.

Network visualization plots

Given a gene set name, the "Network visualization plots" tab on the "Further analysis" section provides tools to visually inspect the networks and the differences between the two phenotypes.

Below, we describe the available tools.

Plot settings
Network visualization

The network visualization tool plots one association matrix for each phenotype.

The association matrix contains the association degree of each pair of genes from the selected gene set. The associations degrees are measured from the expression data using the method selected on the left sidebar ("Method for network inference"). The degrees vary between 0 and 1, and are represented by colors. If the "absolute correlation" option is selected on the sidebar, the user can visualize both absolute and non absolute correlations by setting the "Show negative correlations" option. To save the plots, click on the "Save class 1 network plot" and "Save class 2 network plot" buttons.

You can check out the value of each association degree on the "Association between two gene products" section.

Differences between the gene networks

To visualize the differences between the networks, you can plot a matrix of the differences. Each position of the matrix shows the difference in the correlation (association degree) of two gene products between the two phenotypes.

You can choose one of the following options:

To plot the selected matrix of differences, just expand the "Matrix of differences" collapsing panel. You can save the plot by clicking on the "Save plot button".

To see the differences in association degree of each pair of genes, expand the "List of gene association degrees" collapsing panel. You can save the list as a CSV or R data file:

Gene set properties

To check out network features of each phenotype, select one of the options described below.

Network features for unweighted graphs:
Network features for weighted graphs:
Gene scores

To rank the genes according to their ``importance'' in the networks, select one of the options below.

Gene scores for unweighted graphs:
Gene scores for weighted graphs:

You can save the gene scores as a CSV or R data file:

Gene expression analysis

Below, we describe the available single gene differential analysis tools.

Gene expression heatmap

The gene expression heatmap represents the gene expression levels by colors. Each column corresponds to a gene of the selected gene set, and each row represents one sample.

You can select the colors of the heatmap, and set its clustering options. The rows or columns of the heatmap will be clustered according to the enclidean distance. You can set the heatmap dimensions and save it as a PDF, PNG or JPG file.

CoGA uses the pheatmap CRAN package to plot the heatmaps.

Tests for differential expression

CoGA tests the difference in average or median expression levels of each single gene of the selected gene set. Those analyses use the "t.test" and "wilcox.test" R functions.

The figure below shows the table of results:

Those results can be saved as a CSV or R data file:

Gene expression boxplot

To visualize the distribution of the gene expression levels in each phenotype, just select a gene from the list on the "Gene expression boxplot" section.

You can set the plot dimensions and save it as a PDF, PNG or JPG file.

CoGA boxplots are built with the ggplot2 package.

5. Running CoGA from the command-line interface

CoGA analyses are also available in the R command line interface. Below, we describe how to perform the differential network analyses. For a detailed description of the function parameters and return values, check it out in the R command line interface, by typing the command ?[function_name].

Preparing the dataset
Read gene expression data

  expr <- readExprTxtFile([path_to_txt_file])

Read phenotype data

  labels <- readClsFile([path_to_cls_file], [class_1_name], [class_2_name])

Read annotation data

  annotation <- readChipFile([path_to_chip_file])

Collapse dataset to gene symbols

  collapsingMethod <- [collapsing_method_name]
  connectivityBasedCollapsing <- list("connectivityBasedCollapsing"=TRUE_or_FALSE)
  expr <- collapseExprData(expr, annotation, collapsingMethod, connectivityBasedCollapsing)

The available options for [collapsing_method_name] are:

If [collapsing_method_name] is "me", the "connectivityBasedCollapsing" parameter will be ignored.

Read a collection of gene sets

  geneSets <- readGmtFile([path_to_gmt_file])

Setting the execution parameters
Network inference method

For using the absolute correlation coefficient as the association measure, create the following variables:

  networkInference <- [correlation_measure_name]Cor
  abs <- TRUE
  pvalue <- FALSE
  fdr <- FALSE

For using one minus the test p-value to measure the association between the gene products, create the following variables:

  networkInference <- [correlation_measure_name]Test
  abs <- TRUE
  pvalue <- TRUE
  fdr <- FALSE

For using one minus the test q-value as the association measure, create the following variables:

  networkInference <- [correlation_measure_name]Test
  abs <- TRUE
  pvalue <- TRUE
  fdr <- TRUE

The [correlation_measure_name] must be replaced by one of the following options:

If your graph is weighted, you must set the following variables:

  weighted <- TRUE
  threshold <- NULL

If the graph is unweighted, then set them to:

  weighted <- FALSE
  threshold <- value

Replaces "value" by the desired threshold (only gene links with value higher then "value" will remain in the network).

Then, create the function for performing the network inference:

adjacencyMatrix <- adjacencyMatrix(networkInference, abs, pvalue, fdr, weighted, threshold)

Methods for comparing networks

  method <- [network_test_name]

If the graph is unweighted, the available values for [network_test_name] are:

For weighted networks, the available methods are:

Number of sample label permutations

  numPermutations <- [value]

Where [value] is the desired number of sample permutations

Seed for random permutations generation

To use different sample label permutations for each gene set, define the "seed" as NULL:

  seed <- NULL

Otherwise, set it to the desired value:

  seed <- [value]

Running differential network analysis

If [network_test_name] is "spectralDensityTest", "spectralEntropyTest" or "degreeDistributionTest" you must set a criterion for the bandwidth selection:

  options <- list("bandwidth"="Sturges")


  options <- list("bandwidth"="Silverman")

To save the partial results in a file, set the parameter:

  resultsFile <- [path_to_results_file]

If [path_to_results_file] is NULL, then the partial results will not be saved.

To print execution messages, set the parameter "print" to TRUE:

  print <- TRUE

To perform the differential network analysis, type the command:

  results <- diffNetAnalysis(method, options, expr, labels, geneSets, adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations, print, resultsFile, seed)

6. References

Barrat, A. et al. (2004). The architecture of complex weighted networks. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101, 3747.

Benjamini, Y. and Hochberg, Y. (1995). Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B, 57, 289-300.

Bonacich, P. (1987). Power and Centrality: A Family of Measures. Am. J. Sociol., 92, 1170-1182.

Freeman, L.C. (1979). Centrality in Social Networks I: Conceptual Clarification. Social Networks, 1, 215-239.

Langfelder, P. and Horvath, S. (2008). WGCNA: an R package for weighted correlation network analysis. BMC Bioinformatics, 9, 559.

Lopez-Fernandez, L. et al. (2004). Applying social network analysis to the information in CVS repositories. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR '04), Edinburgh, Scotland, pp 101–105.

Miller, J. A. et al. (2011). Strategies for aggregating gene expression data: the collapseRows R function. BMC Bioinformatics, 12, 322.

Newman, M. E. J. (2001). Scientific collaboration networks. II. Shortest paths, weighted networks, and centrality. Phys. Rev. E, 64, 016132.

Newman, M. E. J. et al. (2004). Analysis of weighted networks. Phys. Rev. E, 70, 056131.

Silverman, B. W. (1986). Density Estimation. London: Chapman and Hall.

Sturges, H. A. (1926). The choice of a class interval. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 21, 65-66.

Subramanian, A. et al. (2005). Gene set enrichment analysis: A knowledge-based approach for interpreting genome-wide expression profiles. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102, 15545-50.

Takahashi, D. Y. et al. (2012). Discriminating different classes of biological networks by analyzing the graphs spectra distribution. PLos One, 7, e49949.

Watts, D. J. and Strogatz S. (1998). Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks. Nature, 393, 440–442.