R. Camargo, A. Goldchleger, F. Kon and A. Goldman.
Checkpointing BSP parallel applications on the
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Experience.Vol. 18, number 6, pp. 567-579, May, 2006.
A. Goldman, D. Trystram, J. Peters
Exchanging messages of different sizes. Journal of Parallel and Distributed
Computing. Vol. 66, number 1, pp. 1-18, 2005.
A. Goldman, F. Kon, P.J. S.Silva and Joseph W. Yoder.
Being Extreme in the Classroom: Experiences Teaching XP. Journal of the
Brazilian Computer Society, Vol. 10, number 2, pp. 5-21, 2005.
- A. Goldman and C. Queiroz. A model for parallel job scheduling on
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Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol. 16, pp. 461-468, March,
- A. Goldchleger, F. Kon, A. Goldman and
M. Finger. InteGrade: Object-Oriented Grid Middleware Leveraging Idle Computing Power
of Desktop Machines.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol. 16, pp. 449-459. March, 2004.
A.Goldman and D. Trystram. An efficient parallel algorithm for solving
the Knapsack problem on hypercubes. Journal of Parallel and Distributed
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A. Goldman, D. Trystram, G. Mounie.
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case study. Theoretical Computer Science, v. 290, n. 3, p. 1331 - 1359,
2003. (.ps)
Ferreira, A.; Goldman, A. and Song, S.W. Broadcasting in bus interconection
networks. Journal of Interconnection Networks - JOIN, v.1, n. 2, p. 73
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Ferreira, A.; Goldman vel Lejbman, A. and Song, S.W. Gossiping in Bus interconetion
networks. Parallel Algorithms and Architectures - PAA. , v.854, p.309 -
331, 1996.
- R. Barbosa and A. Goldman. MobiGrid: Framework for Mobile
Agents on Computer Grid Environments, MATA 2004, the First
International Workshop on Mobility Aware Technologies and
Applications, (LNCS), Florianópolis - SC, 2004.
- A. Freire da Silva, C. Asmussen, F. Kon, A. Goldman, and C-E. Ferreira.
Mico - University Schedule Planner. 5th Workshop on Free Software
(WSL'2004), Porto Alegre, Brazil, June, 2004.
- A. Goldman and L. Pinho. Sistemas de localização dinâmica de serviços
em ambientes de computação móvel. WCSF2003 - Workshop de Computação Móvel e
Sem Fio, São Lourenço - MG. October, 2003. (.ps)
- Torres, M., Goldman, A. and Barrera, J.
A parallel Algorithm for enumerating combinations.
International Conference on Parallel Processing, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,
China, V.1, p. 518-526. October 2003 (.pdf)
- A. Goldchleger, F. Kon, A. Goldman and M. Finger.
Integrade: Object-Oriented Grid Middleware Leveraging Idle Computing
Power of Desktop Machines.
Proceedings of the Third IFIP Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and
E-Goverment, September 2003, pp. 610-616. (invited paper)
- A. Goldman and C. Queiroz. A model for parallel job scheduling on
dynamical computer grids.
ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware'2003 Workshop on Middleware for
the Grid. Rio de Janeiro, June 2003. (.ps)
- A. Goldchleger, F. Kon, A. Goldman and
M. Finger. InteGrade: Object-Oriented Grid Middleware Leveraging Idle Computing Power
of Desktop Machines.
ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware'2003 Workshop on Middleware for
the Grid. Rio de Janeiro, June 2003.
- A. Goldman. Modelos para Computação Paralela. ERAD'2003, 3 Escola
Regional de Alto Desempenho, p. 35 - 66, Santa Maria, (Text in Portuguese)
- F. Arruda, A. Goldman. Eliminação Paralela de Termos Dominantes no
Problema da Mochila. In: Workshop de Sistemas Computacionais de Alto
Desempenho, 2002, p. 89 - 94, Vitória.(.ps)
- C. Ferreira, A. Goldman and F. Kon. Programação eXtrema: Uma experiência
didática. In: IV Curso de Qualidade, SBC, Florianópolis, p. 63 - 72, 2002. (slides in Portuguese)
A. Goldman. Scalable Algorithms for Complete Exchange on Multi-Cluster
Networks. In: CCGRID'02, IEEE/ACM, Berlin, p. 286 - 287, 2002. (.ps)
A. Goldman.
Scheduling communications on a multi-cluster networks.
In: New trends in scheduling for parallel and distributed systems, 2001,
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A. Goldman, A. Santiago
Políticas de hand-off com balanceamento de carga para computação móvel.
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A. Goldman, C. Rapine.
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In: Brazilian Symposium on Graphs Algorithms and Combinatorics, 2001,
Goldman, A and D. Trystram. Algorithms for the message exchange problem
In: Parelec, 1998, Byalistok. Parelec'98. , 1998. p.153 - 161.(.ps)
Goldman, A.; D. Trystram and J. Peters. Exchange of messages of different
sizes In: Irregular, 1998, Berkeley. Irregular'98 - LNCS. Springer
Verlag, 1998. v.1457. p.194 - 205.(.ps)
Goldman, A; G. Mounie and D. Trystram. Near Optimal Scheduling of UET-task
chains on m BSP processors In: High Performance Computing, 1998, Madras.
HiPC'98. IEEE, 1998.(.ps)
Goldman, A and G. Mounie. Near optimal scheduling of UET-task chains
on m BSP processors In: Rencontres Francophones du Paralelisme, 1998, Bordeaux.
RENPAR'98. 1998. p.239 - 242. (in french)(.ps)
Goldman, A.; J. Peters and D. Trystram. Total Exchange with Messages
of Different Sizes In: International Workshop on Interconnection Networks,
1997, Prague. IWIN'97. 1997.
Goldman, A and D. Trystram. An efficient parallel algorithm for solving
the knapsack problem on hypercube In: 11 th Parallel Processing Symposium.,
1997, Genebra. IPPS 1997. IEEE, 1997. p.608 - 615.(.ps)
Goldman, A and S. Fidanova. Parallel execution of irregular meshes
into a linear systolic array In: 2nd International Conference on Parallel
Procesing, 1997, Zakopane. PPAM'97. 1997. p.267 - 274.(.ps)
Ferreira, A.; Goldman vel Lejbman, A. and Song, S.W.
in bus interconnection networks,Parallel Processing: CONPAR 94 /
VAPP VI, September 1994. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag.
Volume 854, pages 797-807.
Ferreira, A.; Goldman vel Lejbman, A. and Song, S.W.
based parallel computers: A viable way for massive parallelism,PARLE'94
Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe, July 1994. Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag. Volume 817, pages 553-564.
Ferreira, A.; Goldman vel Lejbman, A. and Song, S.W. Comunicação
em hipergrades e hipertoros usando barramentos,
V Simpósio Brasileiro
de Arquitetura de Computadores - Processamento de Alto Desempenho ,
September 1993. (in portuguese)
Technical Reports
- Goldman, A.; J. Peters and D. Trystram. Exchanging Messages
of Different Sizes. 2002.(.pdf)
- Goldchleger, A., Fon, F., Goldman vel Lejbman, A., Finger, M. and
Song, S. W. Integrade: Rumo a um sistema de computação em grade para
aproveitamento de recursos ociosos em máquinas comparilhadas. Technical Report RT-MAC-2002-08,
Departamento de Ciência da Computação, Instituto de Matemática e
Estatística, Universidade de São Paulo, Outubro, 2002.
PHD Thesis
"Impact des modèles d'exécution pour l'ordonnancement
en calcul parallèle" - Institut National Polythecnique de Grenoble,
INPG, Grenoble, France - 1999.
Advisor: Denis Trystram.
Master Thesis:
"Novas Estruturas de Interconexão a base de Barramentos: Uma
contribuição a computação maciçamente
paralela" - Universidade de São Paulo, USP, São Paulo, Brazil
- 1994.
Advisor: Siang Song.
A summary (9 pages) of my master thesis is available
(in portuguese only). My master thesis was awarded with the third place
on the I Thesis Contest of the Latin American Congress of CLEI (Centro
de Estudios Latinoamericanos en Informática), Mexico City, Mexico,
September 1994, and with the first place on the VII Thesis Contest of the
XIV Congress of The Brazilian Computer Society, Caxambu, August 1994.