Valentin Ferenczi

Department of Mathematics
University of São Paulo

Office: 232-A
Email: ferenczi «at»

My area of research is Geometry of Banach spaces. Over the years I have also investigated its interactions with other areas such as: descriptive set theory, combinatorics and Ramsey theorems, group representations, homology, and Fraïssé theory.

Curriculum Vitae


Selected Talks


Fapesp Thematic Project Geometry of Banach spaces

Functional Analysis and Descriptive Set Theory Seminar - USP

Habilitation thesis (in french)

My Mathematical Genealogy

Phd students:
Pedro de Oliveira Emerick (current)
Gabriela Cristina da Silva (current)
Giula Cardoso Fantato (current)
Denis de Assis Pinto Garcia (2024)
Alejandra Cáceres Rigo (2022)
Leandro Antunes (2019)
Willian Corrêa (2018)
Wilson Cuellar Carrera (2015)

More about students past and present