How to participate?

The registration is free. You can register yourself untill August 29 (the event begins the next day).

To register send an email to entitled "inscrição" like the example below:

Your complete name
bachelor student
RG: 123.456.123-1
cell phone: 9999 1234
phone: 5555 1234
Mini Course 1
Speech 3
Speech 4

In the case you are a professor:

Your complete name
University where works
bachelor degree
University where you've got the bachelor's degree
RG: 123.456.123-1
cell phone: 9999 1234
phone: 5555 1234
Mini Course 3
Speech 2

If you are on graduation level:

Your complete name
subject of your graduate course
bachelor's degree
University where you've got the bachelor's degree
RG: 123.456.123-1
cell phone: 9999 1234
phone: 5555 1234
Mini Course 1
Speech 4

In the case you are not academic but has a bachalor degree on exacts/biological subject and would like to participate: copy the second example and write your occupation instead of "professor".

You will receive an email that is the confirmation of your register in 24hs. You can register in how many activities you like to. In case there is no vacancy, the wait list prioritizes undergrads, grads, and then phd. We will notice people in the wait list in the case of cancellation of register.

To cancelate your register send an email entitled "desistência" with your name and RG. More questions? Send an email entitled "dúvida".