Since EIAGIME is an international meeting it has needed the attention and dedication of lots of people. We would are grateful to all this friends, workers and volunteers, without whose help this conference would not be so successful: professor Daciberg Gonçalves; chairman of IME, professor Flávio Coelho; Undergraduation Comittee of IME; Pró-Reitoria for Undergraduation; CAMAT; all professors that supported us, directly or indirectly; Alexey Tuzhilin, Daniela Mariz, Fernando Codá, Frank Forger, Inés Armendáriz, Pablo Groisman, Pedro Kaufmann, Ricardo Freire Jr and Sinuê Lodovici for participation and companionship; Renata Maekawa, Edivaldo Zanoli, Fábio Hirano, Max Jahnke, David Marzagão, Priscila Freitas, André Verri, Bruno Jacóia, Marcelo Caetano, Thiago de Araújo, Raquel de Jesus, Wal, Patty, Roseli (preta), Cristiane (direction), Nilson and Sérgio (audiovisual), and Carlos; Seção de Compras, Gráfica do IME, Audiovisual, cleaning team and guards of IME (who helped us in critical moments many times), Seção de Informática.

And of course, we are very grateful to all students that participated in EIAGIME.
Thank you very much!