


Technical Reports


PHD Thesis
"Impact des modèles d'exécution pour l'ordonnancement en calcul parallèle" - Institut National Polythecnique de Grenoble, INPG, Grenoble, France - 1999.
Advisor: Denis Trystram.
Master Thesis:
"Novas Estruturas de Interconexão a base de Barramentos: Uma contribuição a computação maciçamente  paralela" - Universidade de São Paulo, USP, São Paulo, Brazil - 1994.
Advisor: Siang Song.
A summary (9 pages) of my master thesis is available here (in portuguese only). My master thesis was awarded with the third place on the I Thesis Contest of the Latin American Congress of CLEI (Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos en Informática), Mexico City, Mexico, September 1994, and with the first place on the VII Thesis Contest of the XIV Congress of The Brazilian Computer Society, Caxambu, August 1994.