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I am a full time professor at São Paulo University, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME). I finished my Ph.D. in France at Grenoble (November 99). Graduated with a BA in Applied Mathematics from the University of São Paulo (1990), MSc in Applied Mathematics from the University of São Paulo (1994) and Ph.D. in Informatique et Systèmes - Institut National De Polythecnique Grenoble (1999). I am currently associate professor at the University of São Paulo, associate editor of the journal Parallel Computing, part of the program committee of conferences like XP, IPDPS, IEEE NCA, ICPP, JSSPP, SBAC, SBRC, SBES and SBQS. I have experience in differents areas of Computer Science, mainly in the following topics: parallel and distributed computing, scheduling and agile software development.


The Future Internet will integrate large-scale systems constructed from the composition of thousands of distributed services, while interacting directly with the physical world via sensors and actuators, which compose the Internet of Things.


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O LEAPaD se institui de forma a consolidar linhas de atuação ligadas aos programas associados a este projeto, buscando explorar soluções para construções de aplicações e sistemas de gerenciamento e exploração de processamento de alto desempenho em arquiteturas paralelas e distribuídas, tais como FPGAs, ambientes multiprocessados e com GPUs, aglomerados de computadores e de grades e nuvens computacionais.


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Discovering which CUDA compilation options achieve best performance in heterogeneous GPU applications and hardware, using the OpenTuner autotuning framework.


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Achievements and Responsibilities