TANGO Trustable Algorithms for Nonlinear General Optimization
The University of Campinas and University of São Paulo joint project for optimization software development.

User information

Please, read the license before downloading any TANGO component.

People interested in downloading any code of TANGO (ALGENCAN, GENCAN or SPG) are kindly requested to fill-in the boxes below. The information is confidential and it will be used only for academic purposes.

Current version of ALGENCAN (that includes GENCAN) is 3.1.1 (Last updated: March 10, 2017).

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Description of your problem (optional):
Select the TANGO code:
By clicking in the button above you will be redirectioned to the download page. It is assumed that by clicking in the button above you agree with the license terms.
Problems with downloading? Please, write to egbirgin@ime.usp.br.

Page last modified: Nov 3, 2005.
Page URL: http://www.ime.usp.br/~egbirgin/tango/
Contact: egbirgin@ime.usp.br, egbirgin@gmail.com