Nonlinear and fractional evolution equations: dispersion, dynamics, well-posedness and functional analytic tools

November 31 - December 4, 2020
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of University of São Paulo

Travel Information

The event will be held at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistic (IME) of the University of São Paulo (USP).

Here's a map with accomodation options near USP.

How to get to IME

Metro+Bus: From any metro station, commute to Metro Line 4 (Yellow) and then proceed to Butantã station, where you should get off the metro. Behind the station you will see a bus terminal, where you can take either Bus 8012 or Bus 8022. Get off the bus in front of the Faculty of Economy and Administration (FEA) at Rua Luciano Gualberto, then walk a few meters to IME.

Uber: This link will call you an Uber to IME from your current location.

From Guarulhos Airport

One option is to use the Airport Bus Service (R$ 39), which is right after the arrivals zone of the airport. Take the Gru-Paulista bus, and ask the driver to stop in the intersection of Av. Paulista and Rua Consolação, where you will find the Paulista-Consolação metro station (Line 4, Yellow), then follow the instructions above.

By public transportation, in front of the arrivals zone of the airport, you can take the bus called “Tatuapé”, which goes from the airport to the metro station Tatuapé (Line 3, Red). Take the metro following direction “Palmeiras-Barra Funda” and change from Line 3 to Line 4 at station “República”. Now follow the Metro+Bus instructions above.

From Congonhas Airport

Immediately after the exit of the airport, there is a bus stop where you can take the bus number 675I called “São Judas”. You have to get off the bus in front of the metro station “São Judas” (Line 1, Blue). Take the metro followingthe direction “Tucuruvi”and change from Line 1 to Line 2 (Green) at station “Ana Rosa”. Now take the metro following direction “Vila Madalena” and get off the metro at the station called “Consolação”, where you can access Line 4 (Yellow). Now follow the Metro+Bus instructions above.



The Brazilian currency is the real (BRL, R$). You can get some local cash at the airport, either exchanging money or withdrawing reals from cash machines. Credit cards are commonly accepted, but you should have some cash on you.

Exchange Rates