Nonlinear and fractional evolution equations: dispersion, dynamics, well-posedness and functional analytic tools

November 31 - December 4, 2020
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of University of São Paulo

Welcome to the Second MathAmSud EEQUADD Workshop's webpage.

The MathAmSud project EEQUADD (Nonlinear and Fractional Evolution EQUAtions: Dispersion, Dynamics, well-posedness and Functional Analytic tools) is an ongoing collaborative effort among researchers in Partial Differential Equations from Brazil, Chile and France. The main goal of this project is to develop a network of future and stable collaborations between researchers in Brazil, Chile and France, with emphasis in the Analysis of PDEs arising from fluids mechanics and quantum physics, leading to dispersive models.

The first EEQUADD project (2015–2017), crucially funded by the MathAmSud initiative, was for us an important first and fruitful process, ended with clear success, and whose goals and results are explained further in the pages below. It also contributed positively to the interchange of ideas between the French PDE experts that made part of it, with evolutive PDEs groups based in South America.

For the next period 2019-2021, the main purposes for the updated EEQUADD II project are, first of all, to continue the collaborations that started in the previous EEQUADD project, as well as to establish new connecting edges with the recently formed evolutive/dispersive networks in Ecuador and Chile. The scientific production during and after the first EEQUADD project has been the propeller to apply once more for this project.

  • Miguel Alejo (UFSC, Brazil)
  • Jaime Angulo (USP, Brazil)
  • Hanne van den Bosch (UChile, Chile)
  • Diego Chamorro (U. Evry, France)
  • Adan Corcho (UFRJ, Brazil)
  • Marcio Cavalcante (UFAL, Brazil)
  • Jacek Jendrej (U. Paris Nord, France)
  • Michal Kowalczyk (UChile, Chile)
  • André de Laire (U. Lille, France)
  • Felipe Linares (IMPA, Brazil)
  • Yvan Martel (E. Polytechnique, France)
  • Luc Molinet (U. Tours, France)
  • Claudio Muñoz (UChile, Chile)
  • Ademir Pastor (UNICAMP, Brazil)
  • Jean-Claude Saut (U. Paris-Sud, France)
  • Nikolay Tzvetkov (U. Cergy Pontoise, France)
Organizing Committee
  • Jaime Angulo (USP, Brazil)
  • Ademir Pastor (UNICAMP, Brazil)
To do a registration, please contact the organizing committee.