
  1. Associate Professor

    University of São Paulo, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, Department of Computer Science
  2. Assistant Professor

    University of São Paulo, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, Department of Computer Science
  3. Postdoc Researcher

    University of São Paulo, Decision Making Laboratory
  4. Postdoc Researcher



  1. PhD Informatics

    University of Lugano
    Read Thesis
  2. MEng in Mechatronics

    University of São Paulo
    Read Dissertation
  3. Electrical Engineering

    University of São Paulo
Google Research Award for Latin America (LARA)
Google Research ∙ January 2018
Denis Mauá, Heitor Ribeiro, Anytime Algorithms For Finding Maximum Probability Configurations in Deep Probabilistic Models
Young Researcher Award - Golden Prize
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR) ∙ November 2015
Best Paper
12nd National Meeting on Artificial and Computational Intelligence (ENIAC 2015) ∙ January 2015
Google Best Student Paper Award
29th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) ∙ January 2013
Denis Mauá, Cassio de Campos, Alessio Benavoli, Alessandro Antonucci. On the Complexity of Strong and Epistemic Credal Networks