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Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics


talvez este anÃncio jà tenha circulado na lista.
Mas... vale a pena lembrar deste evento.

A data coincide com a RBRAS... mas quem nÃo estiver por là pode aproveitar.


Online eCOTS Conference, 19-23 May 2014

eCOTS 2014, the second biennial Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics, will be held from 19 to 23 May, 2014. Organized by CAUSE, the Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education, the conference has a unique format. All activities occur online, including keynote speeches, breakout talks, panels, and workshops. The electronic format makes sessions available to people around the world at a low cost of only $25 for the week. For more information, or to register, visithttp://www.causeweb.org/ecots/