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Re: [ABE-L]: Pedro Silva eleito Fellow da American Statistical Association

ParabÃns, Pedro!Â

Excelente notÃcia!



On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 5:40 PM, Denise Britz do Nascimento Silva <denisebritz@gmail.com> wrote:


Escrevo dar a excelente notÃcia que Pedro (Silva) recebeu uma premiaÃÃo da American Statistical Association(ASA). Ele foi eleitoÂFellowÂda ASA agora em 2014. Receberà o tÃtulo em Agosto, durante ÂconferÃncia Â(Joint Statitsicaal Meeting) que acontecerà em Boston.

ParabÃns ao Pedro!

Para conhecer a premiaÃÃo

Fellows of the ASA

Nominated by their peers, ASA Fellows are members of established reputation who have made outstanding contributions in some aspect of statistical work. Given annually, this is a great honor, as the number of recipients is limited to no more than one-third of 1% of the ASA membership.


The ASA's extensive awards program recognizes statisticians who have made outstanding contributions through research, teaching, consulting, and service to the association and statistical profession.Â

