II Bayesianism English This page is available in English.   IME-USP
Palestra 13 (sábado às 10h00)
Symmetry Arguments in Probability and Inference.
Marlos Viana (University of Illinois – Chicago).

In this talk we will examine the role of symmetry in the Principle of Indifference and its critique, in the rules for updating one's probabilities (such as conditionalization, Jeffrey conditionalization, and relative information minimizing), and in partitioning the entropy of a finite ensemble with elements indexed by a set subject to the actions of a finite group. We will also discuss a class of symmetry-based solutions of two related boundary value problems for smooth domains in Euclidean space which arise from variational problems in probability, and give consideration to the argument that many statistical models may be justified purely on the basis of the symmetry properties enjoyed by the observables being modeled.

email: isbra-bayes at ime.usp.br
Promotion and Support: 
ISBrA CAPES Pos-Graduacao CAPES-Proex
Pós–graduação em Estatística-USP
