Current Students

Ph.D Students

Graziela Tonin

Ph.D Student

  • Title: [Technical Debt - IBM PhdFellowship award]
  • Scholarship: FAPESP

Diogo de Jesus Pina

Ph.D Student

  • Title: [Technical Debt Monitoring]

Herez Moise Kattan

Ph.D Student

  • Title: [Approaches to develop software: from Pair to Mob Programming]

Marcos Tulio A. González

Ph.D Student

  • Title: [Performance Prediction on GPUs]

Pedro Henrique R. Bruel

Ph.D Student

  • Title: [Autotuning: Approaches, Practical Studies and Directions]

Thatiane de O. Rosa

Ph.D Student

  • Title: [Smart Cities: a Software Engineering Undertake]

Master Students

Felipe Ferreira Laskoski

Master Student

  • Title: Not Defined Yet

Lucas Henrique Morais

Master Student

Marcela Megumi Terakado

Master Student

  • Title: Not Defined Yet

Rafael A. de Carvalho

Master Student

  • Title: [Comparison of Big Data frameworks: Spark and HPAT]

Former Students

Post-Ph.D Students

Yanik Ngoko

Post-Ph.D Student - december 2012

  • Title: [A model for choreographics: Analyzing and predicting web services scalability]

Ph.D Students

Vinicius Pinheiro

Ph.D Student

  • Title: [Campaign Scheduling]
  • Scholarship: CAPES-COFECUB and CAPES

Emílio Francesquini

Ph.D Student

  • Title: [A Multi-Core Aware Actor Scheduler]
  • Scholarship: CAPES-COFECUB and CAPES

Viviane Almeida dos Santos

Ph.D. Student - february 2013

Master Students

Guilherme Amantea (IPT)

Master Student

  • Title: [Análise comparativa de duas formulações de programação linear para o roteamento em redes tolerantes a atrasos]

Paulo Henrique Floriano

Master Degree Student - february 2012

Renan de Melo Oliveira

Master Degree Student - january 2012

Eduardo Teruo Katayama

Master Degree Student - october 2011

Patrícia Akemi Ikeda

Master Degree Student - setember 2011

Álvaro Henry Mamani Aliaga

Master Degree Student - august 2011

Mariana Vivian Bravo

Master Degree Student - may 2011

Alex Pires de Camargo

Master Degree Student - april 2011

Hugo Corbucci

Master Degree Student - march 2011

Rafael de Holanda Barroso

Master Degree Student - march 2010

Vinícius Gama Pinheiro

Master Degree Student - april 2009

Julian Geraldes Monteiro

Master Degree Student - july 2007

Danilo Sato

Master Degree Student - june 2007

Fabio Henrique Nishihara

Master Degree Student - may 2008

Giulian Dalton Luz

Master Degree Student - may 2007

Eduardo Guerra

Master Degree Student - may 2007

Rodrigo Barbosa

Master Degree Student - march 2007

Daniel de Angelis Cordeiro

Master Degree Student - october 2006

Fabio Massaaki Katayama

Master Degree Student - october 2006

Roberto Pires de Carvalho

Master Degree Student - setember 2005

Celso Oviedo da Silva Lopes

Master in Lato Sensu at IPT-USP Student - november 2004

Flávio Regis Arruda

Master Degree Student - august 2004

Carlos Calabrez

Master in Lato Sensu at IC-UNICAMP Student - febrary 2004

Marcelo Vinagreiro

Master Degree Student - january 2004

Leonardo Marques Alves de Pinho

Master Degree Student - november 2003

Alessandro Santiago dos Santos

Master Degree Student - march 2003