*========================================================================* | | | III Workshop in Combinatorics and Discrete Structures | | | |========================================================================| | 16 to 19 April 2000 | | | | Ubatuba - Hotel Wembley Inn (Praia das Toninhas -- 6km from Ubatuba | | | |========================================================================| | Activity of Projeto ProNEx 1017/97 | *========================================================================* PROGRAM =========================================================================== 16/April (Sunday) ================== - Afternoon 4:30 -- 6:30 PROBLEMAS E MINI-APRESENTAÇÕES (aberto a todos) -- em português ............................................................ - Evening 8:00 -- 9:00 Manoel Lemos (UFPE) =========================================================================== 17/April (Monday) ================== - Morning 9:00 -- 10:30 Marcelo (UFMS) & Christiane (UNICAMP) ...................................................... (free) ... LUNCH ................................................... - Afternoon ...................................................... (free) 3:30 -- 4:00 <<<<<<<<<<<< coffee break >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4:00 -- 5:30 Celina de Figueiredo & ... =========================================================================== 18/April (Tuesday) ================== - Morning 9:00 -- 10:30 Bruce Reed (Toronto/Paris) "The Expected Height of Random Binary Search Trees" ............................................................ 11:00 -- 12:00 Luiz Manoel (UFF) ... LUNCH .................................................. - Afternoon 2:00 -- 3:30 Lucia Moura & Brett Stevens (Toronto) "Combinatorial Designs" 3:30 -- 4:00 <<<<<<<<<<<< coffee break >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4:00 -- 5:30 OPEN PROBLEMS (open to everybody) - Evening 9:00 -- --- PRONEX PROJECT MEETING (only for members) ============================================================================ 19/April (Wednesday) ==================== - Morning ..................................,,,,..................(free) .... LUNCH ................................................. - Afternoon 2:00 -- 3:30 Part 1 - Daniel (Toronto) 3:30 -- 4:00 <<<<<<<<<<<< coffee break >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4:00 -- 5:30 Part 2 - Alfredo (Uruguay) 5:30 -- 6:00 OPEN PROBLEMS (Daniel/Alfredo) Part 1 - Daniel: "Average Case Analysis of Sorting Algorithms" Part 2 - Alfredo: "Average Case Analysis of Hashing Algorithms" ============================================================================ 20/April (Thursday) =================== - Morning 9:00 -- 10:00 José Coelho (USP) "A New Bound for the Carathéodory Rank of the Bases of a Matroid" ............................................................... 10:30 -- 11:30 Jorge Stolfi (UNICAMP) "Representation and Visualization of 3D Manifolds" ... LUNCH ...................................................... ============================================================================