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Personal Data


Day of Birth: January, 29 1959
Country of Origin: Brazil
Address: Departamento de Matematica
Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica
Universidade de Sao Paulo
Rua do Matao, 1010 - CP 66281
05508-900 Sao Paulo, SP Brazil
Fax: +55 11 818 6183
Phone (Math Dept): +55 11 818 6193
Phone (Office): +55 11 818 6383
E. mail address:

Academic Background

03/1981 - 12/1983 		 Bachelor degree in Mathematics

Instituto de Matem'atica e Estat'istica - USP
São Paulo - SP

03/1984 - 12/1987 Master degree in Mathematics
Instituto de Matem'atica e Est'itistica - USP
São Paulo - SP

08/1992 - 09/1998 PhD degree in Mathematics
The Graduate School and University Center of
the City University of New York - CUNY
New York - NY

Teaching Experience

		 Position: 		 Research Assistant

Place: Universidade de São Paulo
Mathematics Department
Period March 1988 - February 1991
Subject Calculus, Advanced Calculus, Algebra and Linear Algebra,
Logic and Set Theoretic Topology

Other Informations

I fluently speak English, Portuguese and Spanish. I have basic notions of French and Italian.

Interest Fields

Set Theoretic Topology

		 		 $\textstyle \parbox{17cm}{ Topological groups, Quasi Topological Groups}$

Modal and Temporal Logic

		 $\textstyle \parbox{17cm}{Logic applied to Computation, Knowledge and Believe Revision}$

Ongoing Research

I have been working as Professor Rohit Parikh student, in the Ph.D. Program in Mathematics of the City University of New York.

Parallelly to a thesis concerning a bimodal logic over topological spaces, I have been working in an extension of such a Logics to Uniform Spaces and I am developing some results on Believe Revision.

Lately, I am working in temporal logics in collaboration with Professor Marcelo Finger (IME-USP, Sào Paulo, Brazil) and I intend to intensify my research in Model Theory, so I can relate this field, with my original research background: Set Theoretic Topology and Set Theory.

Sào Paulo, January, 26 2000.

Maria Angela Weiss

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Maria Angela Weiss