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1. São Paulo and Boracéia beach, SP
• São Paulo map http://maps.google.com.br/maps.

• The website


contain many informations about the city.

• The website http://www.cityofsaopaulo.com/ and

gives informations about tours and sightseeing

• Boracéia beach localization
Remark. Electric voltage in São Paulo and Salvetti hotel is 110v.


2. University of São Paulo
Universidade de São Paulo is one of the largest and most relevant academic
and research centers of Brazil and Latin America. It consists of several
campi. The main one, Cidade Universitária “Armando Salles de Oliveira” , is on the west side of the city of São Paulo. It occupies a large area with plenty of green and there are located the central university offices, most of the Faculdades and Institutos, several museums and the famous Instituto Butantã. Also many banks are located on campus.

ICRA XIII WORKSHOP will take place at the building of Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU), next to the building of Instituto de Matemática e Estatística (IME).

There are two routes of free buses (Circular 1 and Circular 2) which can be used within the Campus.


3. Money
Participants are adviced to exchange enough money at the airport on arrival 'to cover the registration fee and minor expenses.
Credit cards are widely accepted.

4. Restaurants
Participants will be provided with information about these services, in particular places to eat on campus. The Howard Johnson Hotel's restaurant is reasonable and not expensive.

5. Weather
ICRA XIII will take place during the winter in Brazil. São Paulo and Borac´eia beach are located near the Tropic of Capricorn and they enjoy mild weather with temperatures generally varying between 14 and 22 degrees Celsius (São Paulo) and between 16 and 25 degrees Celsius (Boracéia).