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Artigos em Anais de Congressos

A.A. Andreatta, S.E.R. Carvalho, and C.C. Ribeiro.
A framework for the development of local search based heuristics for combinatorial problems.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Intern. Conference on Metaheuristics - Sophia-Antipolis, França, page 43, 1997.

B. Bollobás and Y. Kohayakawa.
A note on long-range percolation.
In Y. Alavi and A.J. Schwenk, editors, Graph Theory, Combinatorics, and Algorithms, volume 1, pages 97-113, New York, 1995. Wiley. MR#97f:05177.

R. Borndörfer, C.E. Ferreira, and A. Martin.
Matrix decomposition: a branch and cut approach.
In Proceedings of the V SIAM Conference on Optimization, volume 1, page 57, Canadá, 1996 (abstract).

C.F.B. Cruz and J.C. Setubal.
Uma adaptação do algoritmo de emparelhamento de edmonds para execução em paralelo.
In M.V.S. Poggi de Aragão and C. C. de Souza, editors, Anais da II Oficina Nacional em Problemas Combinatórios: Teoria, Algoritmos e Aplicações, pages 39-49. DCC-UNICAMP, novembro 1995.

C.M H. de Figueiredo, J. Meidanis, and C.P. de Mello.
Local conditions for edge-coloring.
In Anais da II Oficina de Problemas Combinatórios: Teoria, Algoritmos e Aplicações (Relatório Técnico DCC-95-17), 1995.

C.M.H. de Figueiredo.
Even pairs and bull-free perfect graphs.
In Y. Alavi and A. Schwenk, editors, Proceedings VII Quadriennial International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Graphs, volume I, pages 391-401. Wiley Interscience, 1995.

C.M.H. de Figueiredo, J. Meidanis, and C.P. Mello.
On edge-colouring indifference graphs.
In Lecture Notes on Computer Science, volume 911, pages 286-299. Springer-Verlag, 1995.

C.M.H. de Figueiredo, J. Meidanis, and C.P. Mello.
On the edge-colouring of split graphs.
In Proceedings of SEMISH 96, XIII Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware, pages 415-420, 1996.

H. Everett, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, S. Klein, and M. R. Cerioli.
The homogeneous set sandwich problem.
In Anais do XVIII Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, 1995 (pages 343-347) e Proceedings of 8th SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics - Baltimore, 1996.

C.E. Ferreira, C.C. de Souza, and Y. Wakabayashi.
Rearrangement of DNA fragments: a branch-and-cut algorithm.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Practical Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Valparaiso, Chile, november 1996.

C.E. Ferreira and M. Loparic.
Uma aplicação do método branch-and-cut a um problema de roteamento de veículos.
Proceedings do Concurso de Dissertações e Teses da SBC, agosto 1997.
Tese de mestrado premiada no CDT da SBC 1996 (segundo lugar).

C.E. Ferreira, C.C. Souza, and Y. Wakabayashi.
Reconstruction of DNA fragments: A graph model.
In Anais do XVIII Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, pages 90-94, 1995.

Y. Kohayakawa.
The sampling paradigm of Karger.
In C.E. Ferreira and Y. Wakabayashi, editors, Anais da I Oficina Nacional em Problemas Combinatórios: Teoria, Algoritmos e Aplicações, pages 15-20. DCC-IME-USP, Fevereiro 1995.

Y. Kohayakawa.
Szemerédi's regularity lemma for sparse graphs.
In F. Cucker and M. Shub, editors, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, pages 216-230, Berlin, Heidelberg, January 1997. Springer-Verlag.

F. Kon and A. Mandel.
SODA: A lease-based consistent distributed file system.
In Proc. of the XIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks, 1995.

O. Lee and Y. Wakabayashi.
Caminhos mínimos em grafos mistos.
In Anais do XVIII Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, pages 329-333, 1995.

L.S.B.S. Leite and C.M H. de Figueiredo.
Even pairs and the strong perfect graph conjecture.
In Anais do XXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 1996.

S. Lifschitz, A. Plastino, and C.C. Ribeiro.
Exploring load balancing in parallel processing of recursive queries.
In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 1300, pages 1125-1129, 1997.
Proceedings of Euro-Par'97 - Third International Euro-Par Conference.

S.L. Martins, C.C. Ribeiro, and M.C. Souza.
A parallel GRASP for the steiner tree problem in graphs.
In Proceedings of Dallas INFORMS National Meeting - Dallas, EUA, page 29, 1997.

J. Meidanis.
Distance and similarity in the presence of nonincreasing gap-weighting functions.
In II South American Workshop on String Processing '95, 1995.

J. Meidanis.
FAT - a fragment assembly toolkit.
In IV DIMACS International Implementation Challenge Workshop - Two Problems in Molecular Biology '95, 1995.

J. Meidanis and E.G. Munuera.
A simple linear time algorithm for binary phylogeny.
In SCCC '95 (Symposium of the Chilean Computing Society), 1995.

J. Meidanis and J.C. Setubal.
Multiple alignment of biological sequences with gap flexibility.
In Lect Notes Comput. Sc., pages 411-426, 1995.

F.K. Miyazawa and Y. Wakabayashi.
Three-dimensional packing problem: Approximation algorithms and performance analysis.
In Anais da I Oficina Nacional em Problemas de Corte e Empacotamento, pages 11-16, 1996.
Tech. Report RT-MAC-9610, IME-USP.

M. Prais and C.C. Ribeiro.
A GRASP for a matrix decomposition problem in traffic assignment.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Metaheuristics - Sophia-Antipolis, França, pages 177-178, 1997.

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Jose Augusto R. Soares