A Simple Workaround
for Kidney Stones

Julio M. Otuyama (alumni.usp.br)

Urinary system Kidney Stone is a painful disease. But it does not need to be this way. The trick is to keep the bladder near full. That means, when one needs to urinate, do it "just a little" (stop before the end). This creates a pressure about the same of the blood, in the whole (kidney / bladder) system. When a crystal (of kidney stone) is under pressure it can hurt the tissues [1]. Otherwise, it is harmless [2].

As a matter of fact, when one drinks water to get drugs (for kidney stone pain), maybe the water is helping more than the drug.
Surface of a kidney stone
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Diagram [1] - Empty Bladder: External pressure higher than internal pressure (kidney stone crystal can hurt the tissues).
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Diagram [2] - Full Bladder Workaround: Internal pressure higher than external pressure (kidney stone crystal is harmless).

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