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[1] 98e:20010 Dokuchaev, Michael A.; Juriaans, Stanley O.; Polcino Milies, César Integral group rings of Frobenius groups and the conjectures of H. J. Zassenhaus. Comm. Algebra 25 (1997), no. 7, 2311--2325. (Reviewer: Jürgen Ritter) 20C10 (16U60)

[2] 98d:20076 de Barros, Luiz G. X.; Juriaans, Stanley O. Some loops whose loop algebras are flexible. Nova J. Math. Game Theory Algebra 5 (1996), no. 2, 189--205. (Reviewer: Miklós Csikós) 20N05 (17D05)

[3] 98d:17037 de Barros, Luiz G. X.; Juriaans, Stanley O. Units in alternative integral loop rings. Results Math. 31 (1997), no. 3-4, 266--281. (Reviewer: Harry F. Smith) 17D05 (20N05)

[4] 97k:17047 de Barros, Luiz G. X.; Juriaans, Stanley O. Integral loop rings of code loops. Nova J. Math. Game Theory Algebra 4 (1996), no. 2, 89--95. (Reviewer: Orin Chein) 17D05 (20N05)

[5] 97j:20001 Dokuchaev, Michael A.; Juriaans, Stanley O. Finite subgroups in integral group rings. Canad. J. Math. 48 (1996), no. 6, 1170--1179. (Reviewer: Abram I. Saksonov) 20C05 (16S34)

[6] 97d:20090 de Barros, Luiz G. X.; Juriaans, Stanley O. Units in integral loop rings. J. Algebra 183 (1996), no. 3, 637--648. (Reviewer: Edgar G. Goodaire) 20N05 (16S34 17A99) [ORIGINAL ARTICLE]

[7] 96e:16044 Juriaans, Stanley Orlando Torsion units in integral group rings. Canad. Math. Bull. 38 (1995), no. 3, 317--324. (Reviewer: Adalbert Bovdi) 16U60 (16S34 20C07)

[8] 95j:16037 Juriaans, Stanley Orlando Torsion units in integral group rings. Comm. Algebra 22 (1994), no. 12, 4905--4913. (Reviewer: E. Jespers) 16U60 (16S34 20C05 20C07)

[9] 1 410 300 Juriaans, Stanley O. Units in integral group rings---a survey. Group rings and related topics (Portuguese) (São Paulo, 1995). Resenhas 2 (1996), no. 3, 283--291. 16U60 (20C10)

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