Thesis Topics for my Research Students
last updated: a long time ago!!!
This is completely out of date. It's better to talk to me in person. Right
now, I'm looking for full-time people to work on the OnAIR, AcMus, InteGrade, Borboleta,
and Distributed Debugging projects.
Distributed Systems
Dependence Management in Component Based Systems / Dynamic Adaptation
Topic 1: using Java and the SIDAM
prototype / Directory
Service / Distributed Information System
Topic 1.1: using AspectJ, research the
applicability and benefits of Aspect-Oriented Programming in the development
of ComponentConfigurators. (note that this topic is independent from 1.1)
Topic 2: using CORBA/C++ and the Multimedia Reflector System
Automatic Configuration of Component Based Distributed Systems
Resource Management in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems
Topic 4: using CORBA/C++, the 2K Distributed Resource Manager, the Gaia
Unified Object Bus, should run in Linux, Solaris, and (maybe) windows.
Integrate w/ 2K AutoConfig Service.
Mobile Agents for Dynamic Reconfiguration
Topic 5: using (CORBA) dynamicTAO,
C++, Java, aglets, and the Gaia Unified Object Bus
Version control in Component Systems
Topic 6: using CORBA, maybe XML, and Java or C++
Mobile Agents for Dynamic Reconfiguration in ubiquitous computing scenarios
Topic 7: using (CORBA) dynamicTAO, C++, Java, aglets,
and the Gaia Unified Object Bus
A Framework for Consistent Dynamic Reconfiguration based on ComponentConfigurators
Topic 8: CORBA implementation in Java and/or C++
Monitoring and visualization of Distributed Object Systems
Topic 9: CORBA, C++, and Java
My order of preference in this topic is (best)1, 3, 4, 8, 6, 9, 5,
7, (least good, but still good) 2.
Computer Music
Andante - a Musical Mobile Agent System
Topic 10: using Java 1.3, aglets, MIDI and other sound synthesis tools
Musical Acoustics Systems
Topic 11: components, CORBA, agents
Epidemiological Simulation Software
Topic 12: components, extensibility, plugable modules
Component-Based Reflective CORBA ORB with proper Dependence Management
Topic 13: design patterns, reflection, components, extensibility,
plugable modules