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Linux: \\ 

{\tt <\~{}is/\gt}\end{flushright}\end{slide*}

The Information Revolution
 ...nt with transparency and democracy : a new

The World of Bits
 ...ded, either with constructive or
 destructive purposes

Linux: ``L'Enfant Terrible'' of the Informati...
 ..., scalability and portability among
 Operating Systems

Repercussion of Linux
 ...ame of operating system monopoly (a natural monopoly?)

Growing number of profitable corporate activi...
 ...uters in the server category with Linux pre-installed

Who is being annoyed and/or impacted by Linux... product? Whom
 will I sue if it doesn't work?

Cooperation in the World of Bits
 ... Bazaar

\item Homesteading the Noosphere

Some Trends and Questions
 ... software companies? How could that possibly be done?


Imre Simon