April, 10th - 11th
University of São Paulo

About the meeting

The cooperation between researchers in the State of São Paulo and the well-established French research institute INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique) is well known and has several ongoing projects. The state funding agency FAPESP has a regular joint call with INRIA to foster this cooperation. This bottom-up cooperation has produced high quality research and is growing. Now is the opportunity to pursue top-down strategies, without losing the well-established research initiatives.

Therefore, this meeting has two purposes, first, to show the possibilities of institutional engagement between INRIA and State of São Paulo research institutions, in order to contribute to more agile and productive environment. And second, to foster one of these well-established bottom-up initiatives. This will give the chance to enhance this area and at the same time show other very successful initiatives.

In order to activate this challenge, we propose a meeting which will start with high level authorities, presenting their main projects for this cooperation, at the same time, having top researchers presenting their initiatives and finally a condensed meeting on Mathematical Epidemiology that is one of the areas within this bottom-up initiatives that congregate researchers from the three state Universities (UNESP, UNICAMP and USP).

photo praça do relógio Praça do Relógio da USP. Foto: Cecília Bastos / Jornal da USP


Scientific Directors Inria Brasil: Frédéric Valentin (LNCC), Patrick Valduriez (Inria)

USP: Sergio Persival (AUCANI-USP), Paulo Alberto Nussenzveig (Prpi-USP)

Scientific Committee: Sergio Muniz Oliva Filho (USP), Pierre-Alexandre Bliman (Inria)