A hybrid algorithm for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem

Glauber Ferreira Cintra (glauber@ime.usp.br) and Yoshiko Wakabayashi (yw@ime.usp.br)


We present a hybrid algorithm for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem (CSP) that combines the column generation method and an exact algorithm. The exact algorithm we describe is appropriate to solve small instances of the CSP when we know previously a lower bound for the value of the optimal integer solution. The proposed hybrid algorithm finds an integer solution whose objective value differs from the optimal value by at most 1, under the assumption that the MIRUP (Modified Integer Round-Up Property) conjecture is true. Variations are proposed for the hybrid algorithm to speed up its runtime. Computational results showing a very satisfactory performance of our code on a large number of real world and randomly generated instances are presented.

Última modificação: 29 Mar 2005 às 10:34:07