set terminal epslatex color; set output "bmforkfig3.tex"; set xrange[3:33]; set xlabel '$t$ (in days)'; set ylabel '$Q(x_{\min},t)$ (in cubic meters per second)'; plot "qboundgiven.txt" using ($1/(3600 * 24)):2 w p pt 7 lc 'blue' title 'Available data', \ "qboundpline.txt" using ($1/(3600 * 24)):2 with lines dt 2 lc 'black' title 'Natural cubic spline'; set output "bmforkfig4.tex"; set xlabel '$t$ (in days)'; set ylabel '$z(\cdot,t)$ (in meters)'; set xrange[3:33]; set yrange[5.25:9]; plot "observations-x751.txt" using ($1/(3600 * 24)):2 w p pt 7 lc 'blue' title 'observations corresponding to $x=751\,\text{m}$', \ "observations-x3256.txt" using ($1/(3600 * 24)):2 w p pt 7 lc 'red' title 'observations corresponding to $x=3256\,\text{m}$'; set output "bmforkfig1.tex"; set xrange [-39:3256]; set yrange[4.5:8]; set xlabel '$x$ (in meters)'; set ylabel '$z_b(x)$ (in meters)'; plot "zbgiven.txt" using 1:2 w p pt 7 lc 'blue' title 'Available data', \ "zbspline.txt" using 1:2 with lines dt 2 lc 'black' title 'Natural cubic spline'; set output "bmforkfig2.tex"; set xrange [-39:3256]; set yrange[10:34]; set xlabel '$x$ (in meters)'; set ylabel '$w(x)$ (in meters)'; plot "wgiven.txt" using 1:2 w p pt 7 lc 'blue' title 'Available data', \ "wspline.txt" using 1:2 with lines dt 2 lc 'black' title 'Natural cubic spline'; set output "bmforkfig5.tex"; set xrange [-39:3256]; set xlabel '$x$ (in meters)'; set ylabel 'Prediction for $z(x,t_{\mathrm{future}})$ (in meters)'; plot 'allx-predictions.txt' using 1:2 with lines notitle,\ 'allx-observations.txt' using 1:2 w p pt 7 lc 'blue' notitle; set output "bmforkfig6.tex"; set xrange [-39:3256]; set xlabel '$x$ (in meters)'; set ylabel 'Prediction for $h(x,t_{\mathrm{future}})$ (in meters)'; plot 'allx-predictions.txt' using 1:3 with lines notitle,\ 'allx-observations.txt' using 1:3 w p pt 7 lc 'blue' notitle; set output "bmforkfig7.tex"; set xrange [-39:3256]; set xlabel '$x$ (in meters)'; set ylabel 'Prediction for $A(x,t_{\mathrm{future}})$ (in meters)'; plot 'allx-predictions.txt' using 1:4 with lines notitle,\ 'allx-observations.txt' using 1:4 w p pt 7 lc 'blue' notitle; set output "bmforkfig8.tex"; set xrange [-39:3256]; set xlabel '$x$ (in meters)'; set ylabel 'Prediction for $Q(x,t_{\mathrm{future}})$ (in $m^3/s$)'; plot 'allx-predictions.txt' using 1:5 with lines notitle; quit;