This folder contains sources codes, instances, and solutions related to the publications: E. G. Birgin, J. E. Ferreira, and D. P. Ronconi, "List scheduling and beam search methods for an extended version of the flexible job shop scheduling problem", submitted. Folder instances contains the 50 considered instances. Folder solutions contains the solutions for each one of the 50 considered instances obtained by running the beam search method with each one of the 80 considered combinations of parameters (alpha, beta, xi). The file names are self-explanatory. The current folder contains the source files of the list scheduling and the beam search methods. Instructions to compile and run them follows. Command line to compile: g++ -O3 main.cpp instance.cpp -o bjer The method needs as parameters the values for alpha, beta, and xi (parameters of the beam search method) and the instance filename. (See the examples.) For each tackled instance, the code generates an output file with the following format: (a) the first line gives the obtained makespan, (b) the second lines gives the number of operations, (c) the third line says, for each operation, the machine to which it was assigned, (d) the fourth line shows the starting time of each operation on each machine, and (e) the last line gives the processing time of each operation on each machine.