Packing Circles and Spheres
using Nonlinear Programming


Given a fixed set of identical or different-sized circular items, the problem consists on finding the smallest object within which the items can be packed. As smallest object, we consider the object which has the smallest area, perimeter, volume or surface area, depending on the object and the problem dimension.

This page shows numerical results and visual solutions for the problems considered in:

E. G. Birgin and F. N. C. Sobral, Minimizing the object dimensions in circle and sphere packing problems, Computers & Operations Research 35, pp. 2357-2375, 2008. [Abstract] [pdf] [ps]

Unitary-radius circles

The objects considered here are: circle, square, strip, equilateral triangle and rectangle.

Packing of unitary-radius circles in a circle Numerical results and graphics [source]
Packing of unitary-radius circles in a rectangle (minimizing area) Numerical results and graphics [source]
Packing of unitary-radius circles in a rectangle (minimizing perimeter) Numerical results and graphics [source]
Packing of unitary-radius circles in a square Numerical results and graphics [source]
Packing of unitary-radius circles in a strip Numerical results and graphics [source]
Packing of unitary-radius circles in an equilateral triangle Numerical results and graphics [source]

Explanation of the files

The .dat files contain all the information about the desired problem and the coodinates of the spheres for the final packing which includes all the information in the tables and the solution coordinates for each circle.

The .mp files are MetaPost files. To visualize the solutions, just follow the following steps. In a linux shell, type


A file named desired-file.1 (an EPS file) will be created. Rename it to figure.1. Now you have to include this recently created file into a Tex file. Download the file figures.tex. Then type

latex figures.tex
dvips figures.dvi -o

Now type


to see the desired solution.

Unitary-radius spheres

The objects considered here are: cube, cuboid, cylinder, pyramid, regular tetrahedron, sphere and 3D strip.

Packing of unitary-radius spheres in a cuboid (minimizing volume) Numerical results and graphics [source]
Packing of unitary-radius spheres in a cuboid (minimizing surface) Numerical results and graphics [source]
Packing of unitary-radius spheres in a cube Numerical results and graphics [source]
Packing of unitary-radius spheres in a cylinder (minimizing volume) Numerical results and graphics [source]
Packing of unitary-radius spheres in a cylinder (minimizing surface) Numerical results and graphics [source]
Packing of unitary-radius spheres in a squared pyramid Numerical results and graphics [source]
Packing of unitary-radius spheres in a sphere Numerical results and graphics [source]
Packing of unitary-radius spheres in a 3D strip Numerical results and graphics [source]
Packing of unitary-radius spheres in a regular tetrahedron Numerical results and graphics [source]

Explanation of the files

The .dat files contain all the information about the desired problem and the coodinates of the spheres for the final packing which includes all the information in the tables and the solution coordinates for each sphere.

The .vmd files are batch files to be ran on the VMD - Visual Molecular Dinamics shell. In order to visualize the solution you have to install VMD, open it and, on the shell, type:

play desired-file.vmd


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