Summary of Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Carlos Alberto de Bragança Pereira, born in Rio de Janeiro on July 1, 1946.
Ph.D. (Statistics) at Florida State University (1980).
Masters (Statistics) at University of São Paulo (1971) and Florida State University (1978).
Professor of Statistics at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da USP;
Rua do Matão, 1010 CEP 05508-090; São Paulo, Brazil;
Ph: (5511)3091 6129; Fax (5511) 3091 6130; e-mail: or


Scholarships and fellowships from the Brazilian government for graduate studies, participation in conferences, and visits to several universities: Brazilian National Council for Science and Technology, São Paulo State Foundation for Development of Research, Brazilian National Council for Education. Grants from University of Pittsburgh, University of California at Berkeley, International Society of Environmetrics, Organization of American States. Ralph Bradley Award (Ph.D. Thesis): Florida State University, Appreciation Award: Oak Ridge Associated Universities. Elected member of the International Statistical Institute, Fellow of the Institute of Statisticians; Member of the Research Committee of the Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa.

Professional Service

· Junior Lecturer (São Paulo, 1969-1980), Assistant Professor (São Paulo, 1980-1985), Associate Professor (São Paulo, 1985-1988), Professor (São Paulo 1988).
· President of the Brazilian Statistical Society (1988-90)
· Dean of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo (1994-1998);
· Chairman of the Department of Statistics at the University of São Paulo (1991-1993);
· Statistical consultant: São Paulo State Foundation for Development of Research, Oak Ridge Associate Universities, Department of Statistics - Federal Univesity of Ceará - Brazil, Butantã Institute (São Paulo - Brazil), Organization of American States - elections in Nicaragua, Haiti, El Salvador, Paraguay, Brazilian Education Department.
· Advisor on Statistics for the São Paulo State Foundation for Development of Research (FAPESP), Brazilian Council for Research (CNPq and CAPES), Advisor on Statistics for the United Nations.
· Associate editor: ENTROPY, ENVIRONMETRICS and Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics.
· Organizer of the Latin American Congress of Probability and Statistics (1993).
· Special courses and Lectures given at University of California, Berkeley; University of Pittsburgh; Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; George Washington University; Johns Hopkins University, Lisbon Univ; Pontificial University of Chile.
· Organizer of the Conference on Environmetrics in Brazil (1996).
· Board of Directors of The International Environmetrics Society.
· Superviser of 10 PhD Dissertations and 10 Master Theses.


Author of over 100 publications in different journals including Biometrika, Applied Statistics, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, American Statistician, The Statistician, Network, Environmetrics, Test, Sankhyã, Communications in Statistics, International Statistical Review, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Mutation Research, Journal of General Virology; Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Acta Cytologica, Biometrical Journal, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis, Medicine, Eur. J. Vasc. Surg. Endovasc. Surg., Int. J. of Mathematical and Statistical Science, Entropy, Genetics, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.