BOCA Maratona do IME-USP - Maratona do IME-USP 2013


Runs by Problem

A balloon 24711 (4%)
B balloon 3016 (53%)
C balloon 3318 (55%)
E balloon 453 (7%)
F balloon 27061 (23%)
G balloon 10464 (62%)
H balloon 41 (25%)
I balloon 178101 (57%)
J balloon 52 (40%)
K balloon 867 (8%)
L balloon 21794 (43%)

Runs by Problem and Answer

Problems x AnswersNO - Compilation errorNO - Presentation errorNO - Problem/name mismatchNO - Runtime errorNO - Time limit exceededNO - Wrong answerYESTotal
A balloon 8 (3%)015 (6%)10 (4%)69 (28%)134 (54%)11 (4%)247
B balloon 0002 (7%)10 (33%)2 (7%)16 (53%)30
C balloon 001 (3%)0014 (42%)18 (55%)33
E balloon 1 (2%)001 (2%)27 (60%)13 (29%)3 (7%)45
F balloon 5 (2%)17 (6%)5 (2%)46 (17%)6 (2%)130 (48%)61 (23%)270
G balloon 1 (1%)01 (1%)3 (3%)035 (34%)64 (62%)104
H balloon 01 (25%)01 (25%)01 (25%)1 (25%)4
I balloon 1 (1%)11 (6%)4 (2%)8 (4%)1 (1%)52 (29%)101 (57%)178
J balloon 00002 (40%)1 (20%)2 (40%)5
K balloon 7 (8%)01 (1%)12 (14%)38 (44%)21 (24%)7 (8%)86
L balloon 2 (1%)1 (0%)21 (10%)17 (8%)16 (7%)66 (30%)94 (43%)217

Runs by Problem and Language

Problems x LanguagesCC++JavaTotal
A balloon 20 (8%)223 (90%)4 (2%)247
B balloon 030 (100%)030
C balloon 033 (100%)033
E balloon 045 (100%)045
F balloon 20 (7%)249 (92%)1 (0%)270
G balloon 7 (7%)97 (93%)0104
H balloon 04 (100%)04
I balloon 17 (10%)161 (90%)0178
J balloon 05 (100%)05
K balloon 4 (5%)82 (95%)086
L balloon 23 (11%)183 (84%)11 (5%)217

Runs by Language

C9120 (22%)
C++1112358 (32%)
Java160 (0%)

Runs by Language and Answer

Languages x AnswersNO - Compilation errorNO - Presentation errorNO - Problem/name mismatchNO - Runtime errorNO - Time limit exceededNO - Wrong answerYESTotal
C5 (5%)1 (1%)1 (1%)15 (16%)14 (15%)35 (38%)20 (22%)91
C++20 (2%)29 (3%)45 (4%)73 (7%)154 (14%)433 (39%)358 (32%)1112
Java002 (13%)12 (75%)1 (6%)1 (6%)016

Runs by Answer

NO - Compilation error25
NO - Presentation error30
NO - Problem/name mismatch48
NO - Runtime error100
NO - Time limit exceeded169
NO - Wrong answer469

Runs by User and Problem

Users x ProblemsA balloon B balloon C balloon E balloon F balloon G balloon H balloon I balloon J balloon K balloon L balloon TotalAccepted
[USP-SaoPaulo] André3 (23%)02 (15%)01 (8%)1 (8%)01 (8%)04 (31%)1 (8%)135 (38%)
[IFPE] boot4 (40%)0003 (30%)1 (10%)01 (10%)001 (10%)104 (40%)
[USJT] USJT 0100000000004 (100%)40
[UFU] Against All Odds4 (40%)0000004 (40%)002 (20%)102 (20%)
[UFES] ETROPUS6 (46%)0001 (8%)4 (31%)01 (8%)001 (8%)134 (31%)
[UDESC] Noollab1 (11%)0004 (44%)2 (22%)01 (11%)001 (11%)94 (44%)
[UNT] Bayharbor Bouchers8 (73%)0000002 (18%)001 (9%)110
[UNIFEI] while(c==8)2 (14%)0009 (64%)1 (7%)01 (7%)001 (7%)144 (29%)
[UNIFEI] Bit Please5 (45%)0002 (18%)1 (9%)02 (18%)001 (9%)114 (36%)
[UFMG] Starters Edition5 (45%)0002 (18%)1 (9%)02 (18%)001 (9%)115 (45%)
[UFMG] They see us codin3 (27%)0004 (36%)001 (9%)003 (27%)112 (18%)
[UFU] Pegue o Pombo2 (29%)0003 (43%)001 (14%)001 (14%)73 (43%)
[Ufop] Doppler Effect02 (17%)005 (42%)1 (8%)03 (25%)001 (8%)125 (42%)
[UFG] Monkeys2 (33%)1 (17%)001 (17%)001 (17%)001 (17%)65 (83%)
[UNIFEI] mad scientists00000001 (25%)01 (25%)2 (50%)40
[UFOP] Recursive Main2 (11%)0006 (33%)004 (22%)006 (33%)182 (11%)
[UDESC] Balde Samurai Bangueado00007 (70%)002 (20%)001 (10%)103 (30%)
[UECE] Gatinhos da UECE3 (33%)0002 (22%)2 (22%)01 (11%)001 (11%)94 (44%)
[FANOR] Java Computaria4 (31%)0000000009 (69%)130
[IME-RJ] Timelino3 (25%)2 (17%)003 (25%)1 (8%)02 (17%)001 (8%)124 (33%)
[UNOESC] TRES NAO TA MAIS BAUM00007 (70%)002 (20%)001 (10%)103 (30%)
[UFPE] UFPE11 (8%)2 (17%)1 (8%)01 (8%)1 (8%)01 (8%)2 (17%)2 (17%)1 (8%)128 (67%)
[UFPE] UFPE21 (6%)1 (6%)002 (12%)1 (6%)02 (12%)2 (12%)7 (41%)1 (6%)176 (35%)
[UFPE] UFPE32 (11%)009 (50%)3 (17%)002 (11%)002 (11%)183 (17%)
[UFPE] UFPE44 (33%)2 (17%)01 (8%)2 (17%)1 (8%)01 (8%)001 (8%)126 (50%)
[UFPE] UFPE53 (38%)0002 (25%)1 (13%)01 (13%)001 (13%)84 (50%)
[UFPI] Don't Care2 (40%)0000002 (40%)001 (20%)52 (40%)
[UNOESC Chapecó] Enferrujados3 (27%)0001 (9%)002 (18%)04 (36%)1 (9%)113 (27%)
[UTFPR] BugBusters00003 (60%)001 (20%)001 (20%)52 (40%)
[UNI] SKT_1006 (25%)02 (8%)1 (4%)01 (4%)011 (46%)3 (13%)245 (21%)
[UFPI] Saartchi2 (22%)0003 (33%)1 (11%)01 (11%)01 (11%)1 (11%)93 (33%)
[UFPI] EmptyCircle1 (14%)00002 (29%)01 (14%)01 (14%)2 (29%)72 (29%)
[UDESC - CCT] Spanish Inquisition00000000004 (100%)41 (25%)
[PSA] ABC2 (100%)000000000020
[UFFS-Chapecó] Another break in the code8 (53%)0005 (33%)001 (7%)001 (7%)152 (13%)
[IFNMG] Alpha00002 (29%)2 (29%)01 (14%)002 (29%)72 (29%)
[UFPE] A submit to the past4 (25%)3 (19%)1 (6%)04 (25%)1 (6%)01 (6%)002 (13%)166 (38%)
[UFRN] Proof Complete2 (29%)0000003 (43%)002 (29%)72 (29%)
[UFMG] 3ME003 (23%)05 (38%)1 (8%)01 (8%)003 (23%)135 (38%)
[UFRN] Os Caveras!3 (33%)0002 (22%)1 (11%)01 (11%)01 (11%)1 (11%)94 (44%)
[UFMG] In rand() we trust!3 (16%)0010 (53%)2 (11%)1 (5%)01 (5%)002 (11%)194 (21%)
[UTFPR] Bacon0005 (50%)2 (20%)1 (10%)01 (10%)001 (10%)105 (50%)
[UFMG] lsr0000000000000
[UFPI] Triple--J7 (58%)0000003 (25%)002 (17%)121 (8%)
[ICMC] Untitled4 (22%)3 (17%)1 (6%)02 (11%)2 (11%)04 (22%)002 (11%)187 (39%)
[UNOCHAPECÓ] DEV NULL00000001 (25%)003 (75%)42 (50%)
[UFPE] Gênesis0000000000000
[UNI] G4c4r0, previus y el ZamboDel900001 (13%)2 (25%)1 (13%)02 (25%)002 (25%)84 (50%)
[UFPE] Dijkstraídos15 (68%)01 (5%)02 (9%)1 (5%)01 (5%)002 (9%)225 (23%)
[URI] .cpp00000001 (13%)04 (50%)3 (38%)82 (25%)
[UFRN] [Absurdo Clássico] Lucas00006 (50%)3 (25%)02 (17%)001 (8%)122 (17%)
[UFRN] [Absurdo Clássico] Zailton00006 (60%)1 (10%)01 (10%)002 (20%)104 (40%)
[UEFS] Untitled.cpp1 (11%)0003 (33%)1 (11%)03 (33%)001 (11%)94 (44%)
[UFRN] Kamikaze000001 (33%)01 (33%)001 (33%)33 (100%)
[UDESC] Final Fantasy1 (11%)00002 (22%)03 (33%)003 (33%)93 (33%)
[UNOESC Chapecó] Random Code3 (38%)0000000005 (63%)80
[UCSP] Elefante psíquico de guerra pré histórica2 (20%)0002 (20%)1 (10%)01 (10%)03 (30%)1 (10%)106 (60%)
[UFCG] Branch and bound2 (14%)1 (7%)1 (7%)4 (29%)1 (7%)1 (7%)01 (7%)01 (7%)2 (14%)148 (57%)
[UFPI] Alliance1 (14%)0001 (14%)1 (14%)03 (43%)001 (14%)74 (57%)
[IESAM] Steins;Gate00006 (55%)1 (9%)03 (27%)001 (9%)113 (27%)
[UFRJ] #YesWeCan read your mail1 (7%)2 (14%)1 (7%)05 (36%)1 (7%)01 (7%)003 (21%)147 (50%)
[UFMS] Prime00000001 (50%)001 (50%)21 (50%)
[UFRN] Leprechaun00000003 (50%)003 (50%)62 (33%)
[INATEL] Inatel A00003 (50%)001 (17%)002 (33%)62 (33%)
[INATEL] Inatel B00000002 (100%)00021 (50%)
[UFMG] apg00003 (23%)5 (38%)02 (15%)003 (23%)136 (46%)
[FATEC-SO] evil main()00005 (36%)006 (43%)003 (21%)142 (14%)
[MGM] Turn Back the Clock0000000000000
[UFS] Bateu aí?00004 (50%)003 (38%)001 (13%)82 (25%)
[UFAM] Shot in the dark16 (57%)0009 (32%)1 (4%)01 (4%)001 (4%)285 (18%)
[UFPR] Chupa Cabra1 (8%)0001 (8%)0000011 (85%)130
[UDESC] Aragog1 (11%)0004 (44%)2 (22%)01 (11%)001 (11%)94 (44%)
[FB] Grande Pikachu1 (13%)0003 (38%)1 (13%)02 (25%)001 (13%)83 (38%)
[IME-RJ] Rede 3G3 (25%)00004 (33%)01 (8%)004 (33%)122 (17%)
[UFCG] Se n fizer o notebook, eu nao vou6 (19%)1 (3%)1 (3%)2 (6%)4 (13%)3 (10%)02 (6%)010 (32%)2 (6%)317 (23%)
[UFPI] CalourosTeam7 (54%)0000002 (15%)004 (31%)131 (8%)
[ETAPA] Tá acabando!4 (36%)01 (9%)02 (18%)1 (9%)01 (9%)002 (18%)115 (45%)
[UFRJ] / noobs - / nerds4 (29%)0007 (50%)001 (7%)002 (14%)142 (14%)
[UFRJ] hidden markov programmers4 (40%)1 (10%)001 (10%)2 (20%)01 (10%)001 (10%)105 (50%)
[UFPR] <autorizados>01 (8%)1 (8%)03 (23%)3 (23%)03 (23%)002 (15%)136 (46%)
[UFPR] * da Trypanossoma02 (11%)2 (11%)8 (42%)3 (16%)1 (5%)01 (5%)01 (5%)1 (5%)197 (37%)
[UFCG] Oompa-Loompas00000002 (67%)001 (33%)32 (67%)
[UFCG] Coders Gonna Code3 (23%)0005 (38%)1 (8%)1 (8%)1 (8%)002 (15%)134 (31%)
[UFPE] um time qualquer1 (25%)0000002 (50%)001 (25%)42 (50%)
[PUCP] tcarg014 (44%)0002 (22%)002 (22%)001 (11%)93 (33%)
[PUCP] Iq.Overload000001 (20%)02 (40%)002 (40%)53 (60%)
[PUCP] chobys2 (22%)1 (11%)1 (11%)01 (11%)1 (11%)01 (11%)002 (22%)96 (67%)
[IFPI] IFPI-010000000000000
[IFPI] IFPI-0200000000003 (100%)30
[IFPI] IFPI-030000000000000
[UFV] C+-1 (9%)0005 (45%)001 (9%)02 (18%)2 (18%)112 (18%)
[UEFS] Ninjas de Pijama3 (30%)0000002 (20%)02 (20%)3 (30%)101 (10%)
[ITA] Broadcast3 (23%)0001 (8%)3 (23%)05 (38%)001 (8%)134 (31%)
[ITA] Coders of the Night, ASSEMBLY!1 (13%)01 (13%)1 (13%)2 (25%)1 (13%)01 (13%)001 (13%)85 (63%)
[ITA] PembITA2 (18%)02 (18%)03 (27%)1 (9%)02 (18%)001 (9%)115 (45%)
[ITA] Eu sei o que vocês codaram no verão passado00004 (33%)1 (8%)01 (8%)03 (25%)3 (25%)123 (25%)
[ITA] MALuc2 (17%)0004 (33%)1 (8%)04 (33%)001 (8%)124 (33%)
[ITA] PlankITA3 (14%)02 (10%)06 (29%)2 (10%)03 (14%)005 (24%)215 (24%)
[ITA] FHC02 (20%)01 (10%)4 (40%)1 (10%)01 (10%)001 (10%)105 (50%)
[ITA] D+3M2 (17%)02 (17%)004 (33%)02 (17%)002 (17%)122 (17%)
[UFPI] x2 (33%)0002 (33%)001 (17%)001 (17%)63 (50%)
[UFV] UFV #11 (10%)02 (20%)03 (30%)1 (10%)01 (10%)01 (10%)1 (10%)104 (40%)
[UFSCar] Deggub11 (65%)0002 (12%)1 (6%)01 (6%)002 (12%)174 (24%)
[UFV] UFV #200002 (50%)000002 (50%)40
[UFV] Tree Sons of a Bit1 (6%)00010 (56%)001 (6%)03 (17%)3 (17%)182 (11%)
[ITA] Knuth Crackers000010 (56%)5 (28%)03 (17%)000182 (11%)
[ITA] Zetronix00001 (8%)3 (23%)02 (15%)04 (31%)3 (23%)132 (15%)
[ITA] Coringa10 (43%)2 (9%)03 (13%)1 (4%)1 (4%)02 (9%)1 (4%)2 (9%)1 (4%)238 (35%)
[UFV] UFV #34 (67%)0000001 (17%)001 (17%)62 (33%)
[UFFS] The Morgans4 (31%)0002 (15%)1 (8%)01 (8%)03 (23%)2 (15%)133 (23%)
[UFFS] Gambia001 (17%)00001 (17%)004 (67%)61 (17%)
[UFFS] Elven-Kings00000002 (33%)004 (67%)62 (33%)
[UFCG] #define kb ça00003 (38%)1 (13%)01 (13%)01 (13%)2 (25%)84 (50%)
[ETAPA] VC++00003 (27%)1 (9%)01 (9%)05 (45%)1 (9%)115 (45%)
[UNI] tcarg190000000000000
[IFPB - CG] Ordan00003 (50%)002 (33%)001 (17%)63 (50%)
[UNICAMP] The Top Hat (alone)5 (29%)1 (6%)001 (6%)1 (6%)01 (6%)06 (35%)2 (12%)176 (35%)
[USP-Aposentado] Piva00001 (11%)2 (22%)02 (22%)03 (33%)1 (11%)94 (44%)

Runs by Time Period

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