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Seminário Conjunto UFSCar/ICMC - 25/04/2014 - 14h00 - na UFSCar

Seminário Conjunto UFSCar/ICMC ? 25/04/2014 - 14h00

LOCAL: Sala de seminários ? DEs-UFSCar

TÍTULO: A Bayesian Look at Nonidentifiability

PALESTRANTE: Luís Gustavo Esteves - ? IME-USP


This article discusses the concept of identifiability in simple probability calculus. Emphasis is given to Bayesian solutions. In particular, we compare Bayes and maximum likelihood estimators. We advocate adoption of informative prior probabilities for the Bayesian operation in place of diffuse or reference priors. We also discuss the concept of identifying functions.

 (Work in joint with Sergio Wechsler and  Rafael Izbicki )