III Workshop in Combinatorics and Discrete Structures

 |                      16 to 20  April  2000                              |
 |                                                                        |
 | Ubatuba - Hotel Wembley Inn (Praia das Toninhas -- 6km from Ubatuba)   |
 |                                                                        |
  16/April (Sunday) 
  -  Afternoon  4:30 --  6:30    PROBLEMAS E MINI-APRESENTAÇÕES 
                                       (aberto a todos) 
  -  Evening    8:00 --  9:00    José Coelho de Pina Jr. (USP)
             "Improved Bound for the Carathéodory Rank of the Bases of a Matroid"

 17/April (Monday)
  - Morning    9:00 -- 10:30     Marcelo (UFMS) &  Christiane (UNICAMP) 
               ...................................................... (free)

               ... LUNCH ...    ............................................

  - Afternoon  ...................................................... (free)

               3:30 --  4:00     <<<<<<<<<<<< coffee break >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

               4:00 --  5:30     Celina de Figueiredo & ...

 18/April (Tuesday)

  - Morning     9:00 --  10:30    Bruce Reed (Toronto/Paris)
                         "The Expected Height of Random Binary Search Trees"
               11:00 -- 12:00     Luiz Manoel de Figueiredo (UFF)
               ... LUNCH  ...    ............................................

  - Afternoon   2:00 --  3:30     Lucia Moura & Brett Stevens (Toronto)
                                  "Combinatorial Designs"

                3:30 --  4:00     <<<<<<<<<<<< coffee break >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

                4:00 --  5:30     OPEN PROBLEMS (open to everybody)

  - Evening     9:00 --   ---     PRONEX PROJECT MEETING (only for members)
 19/April (Wednesday)

  - Morning    ......................................................(free)

               ... LUNCH ...     ...........................................
  - Afternoon  2:00 --  3:30     Part 1 - Daniel (Toronto)
                                 "Average Case Analysis of Sorting Algorithms"

               3:30 --  4:00     <<<<<<<<<<<< coffee break >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

               4:00 --  5:30     Part 2 - Alfredo (Uruguay)
                                 "Average Case Analysis of Hashing Algorithms"

               5:30 --  6:00     OPEN PROBLEMS  (Daniel/Alfredo)
 20/April (Thursday)

  - Morning   9:00 -- 10:00      Manoel Lemos (UFPE)   

             10:30 --  11:30     Jorge Stolfi (UNICAMP)
                            "Representation and Visualization of 3D Manifolds"

             ... LUNCH ...    .............................................


Problemas em aberto

Veja aqui um problema enviado por Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo.

Enviem suas contribuições!

Last modified: Fri Apr 7 21:27:10 BRT 2000