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O IME está patrocinando a palestra abaixo de Peter Lyman, da Universidade de
Berkeley.  Para maiores detalhes, veja a home-page da visita de Peter Lyman na
USP em


A palestra será dada, em ingles, no

	       IME-USP, Auditório L.H. Jacy Monteiro - Bloco B

		 às 14:00 horas do dia 01dez98, Terça-feira.

				 Peter Lyman

	     A Research Agenda for Defining the Digital Economy.

How is the Internet is changing the information flows, within and among
organizations in both the private sector (corporations) and the public
sector (libraries, government), and among nations?  What do phrases like
"electronic commerce", "the information society" and "the knowledge
economy" mean in real terms:  What do we really know, and how do we know
it?  What important questions remain unanswered, and how might they be

1. 	What is information?

2.	What is the reality behind the concepts of a "Digital Economy",
        "Commerce", and "Information Society"? 

3. 	What uses and users now constitute the Internet economy?  What forces
        have driven the evolution of Internet technologies? What forces are
        likely to drive technology evolution and impact in the future? 

4. 	What policy issues are driving the different levels and domains of
        politics?  In inquiry will range from institutional information
        policy, to national regulatory and competition policy, to global
        issues such as information property and information rights and ethics?

5.      Do information technologies raise fundamentally new questions for
        political and social theory?  When do nation states matter in a
        (supposedly) borderless economy?  Is it possible to analyze, plan or
        direct change in the midst of a technological revolution?  What issues
        would engage a modern Marx or Weber?

			     Todos são bemvindos

Instituto de Matemática e Estatística
Universidade de São Paulo
Rua do Matão, 1010
05508-900 Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil

Fone/fax:  818-6202

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