Peter Lyman na USP (30nov98 a 04dez98)

Peter Lyman estará visitando a Universidade de São Paulo, no período de 30 de novembro a 4 de dezembro. Estão previstas duas palestras para o período, uma no Instituto de Matemática e Estatística (IME) e outra no Instituto de Estudos Avançados (IEA).

A palestra no IME será baseada no documento "The UCC 2-B Debate and the Sociology of the Information Age". Disponível também em formato texto.

A palestra no IEA será baseada nos documentos:

"Risk, tribe and lore: New Paths to Post-Baccalaureate Learning in Digital Libraries". Disponível também em formato texto.

"The Social Functions of Digital Libraries: Designing Information Resources for Virtual Communities". Disponível também em formato texto.

Para maiores informações, contacte Edna, no fone 818-6202.

Segue abaixo uma pequena biografia de Peter Lyman.

Short biography of Peter Lyman

Peter Lyman is a Professor and Associate Dean of the School of Information Management & Systems (SIMS) at the University of California, Berkeley.

His teaching and research are focused on information policy and the sociology of information. He received his BA in Philosophy from Stanford University, Masters degree from Berkeley in Political Science, and Ph.D. from Stanford in Political Science in 1972. He taught Political Theory at Michigan State University, and was Assistant Director of Academic. In 1987 he moved to Los Angeles to become Executive Director of the Center for Scholarly Technology, and later University Librarian at the University of Southern California.

His research interests include the impact of information technologies upon the political economy and sociology of information and the knowledge economy. Recent publications include:

"Digital Documents and the Future of the Academic Community." Proceedings from the Conference on Scholarly Communication and Technology, organized by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

"Risk, tribe and lore: New Paths to Post-Baccalaureate Learning in Digital Libraries". Also available in text format.

"The Social Functions of Digital Libraries: Designing Information Resources for Virtual Communities". Also available in text format.

"The UCC 2-B Debate and the Sociology of the Information Age". Also available in text format.

"Copyright and Fair Use in the Digital Age", Q&A with Peter Lyman, by Educom Review Staff, Volume 30, Number 1, January/February 1995.

"Computing As Performance Art", by Peter Lyman, by Educom Review Staff, Volume 30, Number 4, July/August 1995.

"What is a Digital Library? Technology, Intellectual Property and the Public Interest." Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences: Book, Bricks, and Bytes. Fall 1996, Vol. 125, No. 4, pgs. 1-33.

"O projeto das comunidades virtuais, by Peter Lyman, Revista USP número 35, Dossiê Informática/Internet, Setembro/Outubro/Novembro 1997 .

"The Responsibilities of Universities in the New Information Environment," and "The Future of Scholarly Communication" (co-authored with Stanley Chodorow) in The Mirage of Continuity, Edited by Brian Hawkins and Patricia Battin (Washington DC: CLIR and AAU, 1998).

"Archiving Digital Cultural Artifacts," with Brewster Kahle, D-Lib Magazine (July-August 1998).

He is currently editing a special issue of the American Behavioral Scientist on ethnographic methods for studying computer mediated communication.

He serves on the Board of Directors of the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), Sage Publications, Inc., and the Internet Archive; on the Advisory Boards of Getty Information Institute and Chadwyck-Healey, Inc.; the Association of American Universities Committee on Digital Networks and Intellectual Property, and on the editorial boards of the American Behavioral Scientist, and the Electronic Publishing Journal. He has previously served on the Boards of EDUCOM, the Research Libraries Group (RLG), The Babbage Foundation, and the Technical Advisory Board of the Commission on Preservation and Access.

Last modified: Mon Nov 23 20:02:06 EDT 1998