Research Interests

Prof. Dr. Michael Forger

August 2015

Mathematical Physics

Exact methods and results in mechanics and field theory, classical and quantum, including integrable systems.

Current research lines and projects:

1.     General subject: Geometric Field Theory.

The general goal is the further development of classical field theory - of the general formalism as well as of the treatment of specific models - from a geometric viewpoint, with emphasis on structural aspects that are important for quantization.


Project: Covariant Hamiltonian Formalism for Classical Field Theory.

The usual hamiltonian formalism of field theory differs from the lagrangian formulation in that it breaks manifest covariance (that is, Lorentz covariance in the setting of special relativity and general covariance in the setting of general relativity) because it presupposes the a priori choice of a Cauchy hypersurface for the initial data. There are presently two approaches to overcome this flaw: the multisymplectic or polysymplectic formalism – a new branch of differential geometry which plays a role analogous to that of symplectic geometry in classical mechanics and which in its local form goes back to the work of De Donder and Weyl in the 1930s – and the functional formalism, based on the concept of covariant phase space popularized in the 1980s by Crnkovic and Witten, which is defined to be the space of solutions of the equations of motion, rather than the corresponding space of initial data. Best results are obtained when these two approaches are combined.

Solved problems: general definition of covariant Poisson brackets, in the multisymplectic and polysymplectic approach as well as in the functional formalism (Peierls-DeWitt bracket) [MP-P – 21,24,25,27, MP-S – 1]; general definition of multisymplectic and polysymplectic structures encompassing the cases of interest in physics and at the same time allowing to prove a Darboux theorem [MP-P – 30]; classification of multisymplectic and polysymplectic connections and proof of a tubular neighborhood theorem ŕ la Weinstein in this context [MP-P – 31]; identification and treatment of an important class of local functionals [MP-S – 1]; description of symmetries and formulation of Noether’s theorem using Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids [FM-S – 4].

Problems presently under investigation: description of symmetries in gauge theories, minimal coupling and Utiyama’s theorem using Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids [MP-S – 5], generalizing [MP-P – 29]; hyperbolicity of systems of first order partial differential equations, aiming for a proof of existence of Green functions (retarded, advanced and causal) for the linearized DeDonder-Weyl equations [MP-S – 6]; treatment of systems with constraints and, in particular, gauge theories.

References: research papers [MP-P – 21,24,25,27-31] and submitted articles or articles in preparation [MP-S – 1,4-6].


Project: New Aspects in Noncommutative Geometry

From the search for a generalization of the DFR-algebra, proposed in 1995 by Doplicher, Fredenhagen and Roberts as a model of  “quantum space-time”, from flat space-time (Minkowski space) to curved space-times with a well-defined causal structure (globally hyperbolic lorentzian manifolds), there has emerged a general construction of a C*-algebra, which starts out from an arbitrary Poisson vector bundle, over an arbitrary manifold, and reproduces the DFR-algebra as a very special case: it is the algebra of continuous sections vanishing at infinity of a C*-bundle, over that same manifold, whose fiber at each point is a new version of the “C*-algebra of the canonical commutation relations”, constructed from the fiber of the original Poisson vector bundle over that same point using techniques from Rieffel’s “strict deformation quantization” [FM-S – 2]. The method opens new pathways for noncommutative geometry since it provides a large class of concrete examples for investigating the relations between noncommutative topology, described by C*-algebras (which generalize the commutative algebra of continuous functions on a topological space), and noncommutative geometry, described by a certain class of Fréchet *-algebras (which generalize the commutative algebra of smooth functions on a differentiable manifold): the hope is that this approach may contribute to clarify one of the central questions of noncommutative geometry, namely, what exactly should be this “certain class”. An important and already solved partial problem in this direction is the quest for an adequate mathematical framework for a theory of noncommutative topological manifolds: according to [MP-S – 3], these should be described by sheaves of locally C*-algebras (which generalize the commutative algebra of continuous functions on a locally compact but not compact topological space), This eliminating the need to consider C*-algebras without unit (which generalize the commutative algebra of continuous functions on a locally compact but not compact topological space that vanish “at the boundary” or “at infinity”) and makes the algebraic structure become compatible with the concepts and methods of sheaf theory. What remains is the problem of “local regularity”, that is, the question of how to perform the transition from the continuous world to the differentiable world.

References: submitted articles or articles in preparation [MP-S – 2,3].



2.     General subject: Integrable Systems.

The general goal is the further development of the theory of integrable Hamiltonian systems, in mechanics as well as in two-dimensional field theory, regarding general structural properties as well as the study of specific models.


Project: New Algebraic Structures in Integrable Systems. (Presently interrupted)

The latest example of a new algebraic structure encountered in the study of integrable systems is the concept of a dynamical R-matrix. In contrast to the notion of an ordinary R-matrix, or numerical R-matrix, as introduced by Yang and Baxter in the late 1960s and early 1970s, which has become central to an entire new area of mathematics now known under the (somewhat unfortunate) name "quantum groups", its exact mathematical status is still not completely clear. First encountered in the mid 1980s in the analysis of Poisson brackets between the entries of the monodromy matrix of integrable classical non-linear sigma models in two space-time dimensions, its investigation has been hampered by short-distance singularities, which are typical for a field-theoretic problem such as this one. The situation is more favorable in mechanics, where such singularities do not appear. Therefore, we have begun a systematic investigation of dynamical R-matrices for the Calogero models - the most traditional integrable systems of mechanics where this new structure arises.

References: research papers [MP-P – 16,21,22] and conference proceedings contribution [MP-C – 6].


Symmetry and symmetry breaking – modern concepts from physics and mathematics allowing to understand aspects of the evolution of certain biological systems.

Current research lines and projects:

Project: Symmetry Breaking and the Evolution of the Genetic Code.

According to a hypothesis of Hornos and Hornos published in 1993, the genetic code that steers the synthesis of proteins in practically all living organisms on our planet may have evolved through a process accompanied and guided by the phenomenon of symmetry breaking, in a sequence of steps. The main goal of this project is to classify the possible symmetries and symmetry breaking schemes that lead to the distribution of multiplets observed in the standard code - a purely algebraic problem that has already largely been solved. What is still missing, but would be a more ambitious step, apparently still out of reach, is the formulation of a dynamical model, based on the theory of equivariant dynamical systems (dynamical systems with symmetry), since it is well known that equivariant bifurcations (bifurcations in the presence of symmetries) generically lead to symmetry breaking.

References: research papers [BM-P – 1-10] and article in preparation [BM-S – 2].


Project: Coupled Systems of Stochastic Processes with Symmetry and Gene Expression.

Surprisingly, an extremely simplified mathematical model for describing the regulation of gene expression, which consists of  two adequately coupled stochastic processes, exhibits a hidden symmetry involving the Lie algebra so(2,1), which permits some exact predictions about the behavior of the system. This raises the question whether it is possible to arrive at similar conclusions for more complex and, from the biological point of view, more realistic systems.

References: research papers [BM-P – 9,11] and submitted article [BM-S – 1].