============================================================ Seminário de Teoria da Computação e Combinatória (TCC) Tarde de Combinatória ============================================================ Título: On the number of prefix and border tables Palestrante: Laura Giambruno Université de Caen Hora e Data: 14h, sexta-feira, 28 de março de 2014 Local: Sala Multi-usos do Numec Resumo: The prefix table of a string w reports for each position i the length of the longest substring of w that begins at i and matches a prefix of w. This table stores the same information as the border table of the string, which memorizes for each position the maximal length of prefixes of the string w ending at that position. Indeed two strings have the same border table if and only if they have the same prefix table. Both tables are useful in several algorithms on strings. They are used to design efficient string matching algorithms and are essential for this type of applications. It has been noted that for some text algorithms (like the Knuth-Morris-Pratt pattern matching algorithm), the string itself is not considered but rather its structure meaning that two strings with the same prefix or border table are treated in the same manner. The study of these tables has become topical and it has been subject of recent interest by several authors.   In this talk we focus on the problem of enumerating distinct prefix and border tables of a given length. For this purpose, we define the combinatorial class of p-lists, where a p-list is a finite sequence of non-negative integers. We constructively define an injection from the set of prefix tables to the set of p-lists which are easier to count. We then deduce a new upper bound and a new lower bound on the number of prefix tables for strings of length n or, equivalently, on the number of border tables of length n. Joint work together with Julien Clément of University of Caen.