============================================================ Seminário de Teoria da Computaçăo e Combinatória (TCC) Tarde de Combinatória Extremal e Métodos Probabilísticos ============================================================ Título: On two Ramsey type problems for K_{t+1}-free graphs Palestrante: Vojtech Rödl Emory University Hora e Data: 15h20, sexta-feira, 10 de maio de 2013 Local: Sala Multi-usos do Numec Resumo: In 1970, Erdös and Hajnal asked if for any r and t there is a K_{t+1}-free graph H with the property that any r-coloring of the edges of H yields a monochromatic K_t. This conjecture was resolved positively by Folkman for r=2 and by Nesetril and the speaker for r arbitrary. In this talk we will discuss some old and new results related to this conjecture. A related question was raised by A. Hajnal. The t-independence number \alpha_t(H) of a graph H is the largest size of a subset of vertices of H containing no K_t. Let h_t(n) be the minimum value of \alpha_t(H) with the minimum taken over all graphs on n vertices containing no K_{t+1}. Hajnal proposed the problem of investigating h_t(n). This question was addressed first by Erdös and Rogers, who proved that h_t(n) is at most n^{1-\epsilon}, where \epsilon=\Theta(1/t^{4\log t}). Recently, jointly with Dudek and Retter, we proved that h_t(n)=n^{1/2+o(1)} for any given t.