============================================================ Seminário de Teoria da Computação e Combinatória (TCC) ============================================================ Título: On the Relationship of Minimum Bisection, Tree-Width and Grid Minors in Planar Graphs Palestrante: Tina Janne Schmidt Zentrum Mathematik Technische Universität München Hora e Data: 14h, sexta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2012 Local: Sala Multi-usos do Numec Resumo: Minimum Bisection denotes the NP-hard problem to partition the vertex set of a graph into two classes of equal size while minimizing the number of edges between those classes. There is a polynomial time algorithm if a tree decomposition of bounded width is provided. It is unknown whether the problem remains NP-hard when restricted to planar graphs. First, an approach using separating vertices in trees to construct a bisection is presented. This approach can be generalized using either the Planar Separator Theorem or a tree decomposition. Together, these results imply for planar graphs with bounded degree that whenever the minimum bisection width is large, the tree-width must be large as well. On the other hand, large tree-width does not imply large minimum bisection width in general, but a homogeneity condition for this implication will be presented.