============================================================ Seminário de Teoria da Computação e Combinatória (TCC) ============================================================ Título: Arithmetic progressions with a pseudorandom step Palestrante: Elad Aigner-Horev Universität Hamburg Hora e Data: 14h00, sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2012 Local: Sala Multi-usos do Numec Resumo: Given two dense sets A and S in a finite abelian group G, we consider the problem of counting three term arithmetic progressions in A whose common difference is in S (3-S-AP, hereafter). Without any additional assumptions the answer might be zero. Inspired by the polynomial Szemer\'edi theorem, we add an assumption on the pseudorandomness of S and attain the following results. For G =Z_n, we give a quantitative result asserting that if the U^3 norm of S is sufficiently "small" then there exists a constant C such that A contains at least C |S| n 3-S-APs. In general, the condition on the U^3 norm of S cannot be replaced by a similar condition on the U^2 norm of S, as then again the number of 3-S-APs might be zero. Nevertheless, for G =F_p^n (with p a fixed odd prime) we give a qualitative result asserting that for every \eps, if the U^2 norm of S is sufficiently "small", then A contains at least (\alpha^3-\eps)|G||S| 3-S-APs, where \alpha is the density of A and \eps is arbitrarily small. The constant \alpha^3-\eps is then best possible. In this talk, we shall first give a rough outline of our proofs for the above results where the aim is to introduce the main tools used in these proofs, namely the inverse U^3 theorem in Z_n and the arithmetic regularity lemma for U^3 in F_p^n. A brief exposition of these will then be given. The talk will be self-contained. Joint work with Hiep Han.