============================================================ Seminário de Teoria da Computação e Combinatória (TCC) ============================================================ Título: The Vehicle Positioning Problem Palestrante: Carlos Henrique Cardonha IBM Research-Brazil Hora e Data: 14h, sexta-feira, 23 de março de 2012 Local: Sala Multi-usos do Numec Resumo: This talk addresses the Vehicle Positioning Problem (VPP), a classical combinatorial optimization problem in public transport in which vehicles should be assigned to parking positions in a depot in such a way that shunting moves are minimized. We investigate several models and solution methods to solve the VPP and the VPPP, a multi-periodic extension of the problem which was not previously studied. We start with an introduction to the problem and with a discussion about some of its theoretical properties and IP formulations (both linear and quadratic). For large-scale scenarios, we propose two advanced solution methods. In the first approach, a set partitioning formulation is solved by a branch-and-price framework. We present efficient algorithms for the pricing problem and, in order to improve the performance of the framework, we introduce heuristics and discuss strategies to reduce symmetry. The second approach consists of an iterative technique in which we try to optimize an ILP by solving some of its projections, which are smaller and therefore easier to compute. Both techniques are able to produce satisfactory solutions for large-scale instances of the VPPP . Finally, if we have enough time, advanced aspects of the problem will be discussed. Namely, we will present solution methods for the VPP+ and for the VPPP+, which are more challenging versions of the VPP and of the VPPP, respectively, and talk about the role of uncertainty in the problem.