============================================================ Seminário de Teoria da Computação e Combinatória (TCC) ============================================================ Título: Unitary Cayley Graphs Palestrante: Daniel Alejandro Jaume Universidad Nacional de San Luis Hora e Data: 14h, sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011 Local: auditório do NUMEC Resumo: For a positive integer n>1 the "unitary Cayley graph" X_n = Cay(Z_n,U_n) is defined by the additive group of the ring Z_n of integers modulo n and the multiplicative group U_n of its units. If we represent the elements of Z_n by the integers 0,1,...,n-1 then it is well known that U_n = {a \in Z_n : gcd(a,n)=1} So X_n has vertex set V(X_n)=Z_n= {0,1,...,n-1} and edge set E(X_n) = {{a,b} : a,b \in Z_n, gcd(a-b,n)=1} Unitary Cayley graphs are highly symmetric. They have some remarkable properties connecting graph theory and number theory. Cayley graphs model a wide array of symmetric networks of theoretical and practical interest. Properties established for all, or for certain subclasses of, Cayley graphs are useful.