============================================================ Seminário de Teoria da Computação e Combinatória (TCC) Tarde de Algoritmos ============================================================ Título: Competitive algorithms for incremental optimization problems Palestrante: David P. Williamson Cornell University Hora e Data: 15h30, segunda-feira, 09 de novembro de 2009 Local: Auditório Antonio Gilioli Bloco A Resumo: In incremental optimization problems, choices we make in the future are constrained by those we have made in the past. The canonical example of this is the incremental k-median problem, a variant on the k-median problem, introduced by Mettu and Plaxton. If we have already opened k facilities, and now wish to open k' > k facilities, we may not close facilities we have already opened. Hence the output of the incremental k-median problem is simply a sequence of all the facilities; if we wish to open k facilities, we open the first k in the sequence. Somewhat surprisingly, Mettu and Plaxton showed that it is possible to find a good sequence, in the sense that for any k, opening the first k facilities is within a constant factor of the best possible solution to the k-median problem. In this talk, I will show a very general approach to incremental problems that are conceptually simple and leads to the best known performance guarantees for many of these problems, including hierarchical clustering problems. I will also discuss some experimental work that shows that these algorithms perform much better in practice than their theoretical