40:  How do I make Emacs recognize my compiler's funny error messages?

  The variable compilation-error-regexp-alist helps control how Emacs
  parses your compiler output.  It is a list of triples of the form:


  where REGEXP, FILE-IDX and LINE-IDX are strings.  To help determine what
  the constituent elements should be, load compile.el and then use

        C-h v compilation-error-regexp-alist RET

  to see the current value.  A good idea is to look at compile.el itself as
  the comments included for this variable are quite useful -- the regular
  expressions required for your compiler's output may be very close to one
  already provided.  Once you have determined the proper regexps, use the
  following to inform Emacs of your changes:

        (setq compilation-error-regexp-alist
              (cons '(REGEXP FILE-IDX LINE-IDX)